MovieChat Forums > Deranged Discussion > Deranged VS. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Deranged VS. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Both movies came out in 1974.
Both movies are based on Ed Gein's M.O.
Both movies have similar stories.
Both movies have similar characters.
Both movies have similar settings.
Both movies ARE similar.

I think I prefer "Deranged" infront of TTCM. TTCM is indeed a great movie but I find the atmosphere in "Deranged" more compelling and gave a brilliant clastrophobic feeling. TTCM was on the edge, so brutal it became absurd it became comedic at times.

"I refuse to become what you call normal"


I prefer TTCM but Deranged is great to.


I think overall The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a better film.


It's unfair to compare them because the only thing they have in common is a link to Ed Gein. TCM is a bona fide classic slasher/chase film, while Deranged is a character study with elements of horror. They're both excellent movies but have little in common.
