Who would you cast in a re-make?
I was thinking about it and I'm not really sure who would be good for both Paul and Jean.
I was thinking about it and I'm not really sure who would be good for both Paul and Jean.
noone, noone, NOONE!!
Ellen DeGeneres as Paul, and Steve Martin as Jeanne, and NO, I do *not* mean the-other-way-'round.
haha... not exactly the match I would have picked, but it's nice to know that someone on here has a sense of humor. Good one.
Thank you! And/but seriously: I'm looking at the Memorable Quotes, and I'm just cringing with delight at the mere thought of Ellen and Steve batting that stuff back and forth.
They should do a youtube-level version and sell it to support their favorite charities, if nothing else. I'd buy five ....
haha... that would be absolutely hilarious... I'd personally finance that film just to see Ellen and Steve in some (what I would imagine) seriously awkward but hilarious love scenes.
shareThere seriously CANNOT be a remake of this movie especially. Who in HELL is gonna replace Brando? NO one. EVER. And you just cannot duplicate that style and everything about it. Just cant be done.
Like when Gus Van Sant re-did (I use the term usely) 'Psycho"- that's like Zac Efron going to a plastic surgeon and wants to have something improved. What? There is nothing to be improved, everything is perfection. (Sorry, Zac Efron, looks-wise is a perfect specimen, that's all I'm using the metaphor for).
Do you know how many times Streetcar was redone on the stage- and there have been some good ones as Stanely. But its always Brando. Always.
Manchurian Candidate, same thing.
Zac Efron perfect specimen? Oh come on!!
-my vote history
would give a completely different context to the "get me the butter" moment!
shareNick Nolte would be phenominal in the Brando role; Sylvie Testud as Jean...cute, but not beautiful; sexual but not goofy.
Actually it would be a lot better as a lesbian movie. Secret lives, anonymous sex, no hesitations or apologies. And the motivation for killing is the need for discretion to loved ones.
Actually it would be a lot better as a lesbian movie.
Hey, y'git no argue from me. Bring back the stars of "Bound", with Gershon as Paul, and Tilly as Jeanne.
I can just hear Gina Gershon launching the "I'm gonna get a pig" soliloquy. (My memory of the lines is only approximate, but I'm 98% sure about that phrase.)
Johnny Depp if he looked scruffy (I have faith) and Marion Cotillard from La Vie en Rose.
just give it a chance. Depp is great, and if you were to remake this, you wouldn't want it to be exactly the original, yes?
I definitely think Depp and Cotillard would be a great match up. They are both great actors and I have a feeling they would have some great chemistry on-camera. I would have never thought of those two.
I'm sorry but I don't think Depp would be right for the role. I don't think he's old enough...plus, it becomes obvious to the viewer towards the end just how emotionally unstable Paul is and how pathetic his life has become. Way too many people associate Depp with being sexy and clever and cool. I don't think he could pull off a character that has gone so off the deep end believeably. Maybe this is a testament to how famous Depp has become, but regardless, I dont think I would be able to watch him and really think he was a person going through such a difficult time in his life.
Welll ... check out Depp's work in "The Libertine". http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0375920/
I've seen the Libertine...what about that performance makes you think that he could pull off the role of Paul?
shareWell ...:
"emotionally unstable ... off the deep end ... a person going through such a difficult time in his life."
In "The Libertine" Depp portrays an out-of-control alcoholic (who is also probably syphilitic) who is deteriorating to a physical state that makes Nicolas Cage's character in "Leaving Las Vegas" look like Jack LaLanne by comparison, and who is utterly alienated spiritually and emotionally.
Um. Not Depp... He has to be much older looking. That's just my opinion. lol
sharenoone for Christ' sake, it would be like asking 'who would you put in the Doors now to replace Jim Morrison?'
teach me to dance....will you?
"" it would be like asking 'who would you put in the Doors now to replace Jim Morrison?' "...AGHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! very funny ,very true people also have to consider this .The fact that 1, tango is considered a great film and 2 there are films that have prolly for certain have borrowed from this movie .Or were inspired by this movie. I know of a few that were inspired by it (Elles ,Shame,dreamers,Don't look now)
Another thing to think about is back then what was considered NC-17 today is rated R .If it's a movie that was to remade by and unknown in and indie film market theres the possibilty of it.Being ruined by turning this film into Porn chic the genius behind Last tango is. That it shows a profound understanding for how sexuality and seduction really works.The actual acts of sex in tango are nothing compared to moods and emotions .Expressed sex is all in your mind the before is the most important .Then the actual act itself ,people would just ruin the film if it was re-done today.
The movies that try to be like it and hit a bulleyes just winde up going way off center and .Focus more on the sexual acts then expressing emotions of sexuality which is two different things.It's best to just leave it alone like will smith said "If it aint broke dont fix it "
Where are the real artists? Today it's four-barreled carburetors and that's it.