It's called ACTING, dummy

Sometimes in movies a more experienced method actor will try to get a more natural reaction out of an inexperienced actor by throwing him/her a "curve". For instance, Robert Deniro once famously changed a line in "Raging Bull" and asked Joe Pesci if he f^cked his mother. In "Cape Fear" Deniro unexpectedly put his greasy thumb in a teenage Juliette Lewis' mouth. Of course, Pesci COULD have sued Deniro for creating a "hostile work environment" and Juliette Lewis COULD have charged him with "sexual assault on a minor" (instead of fellating the thumb like a little slut), but the point is they were ACTING. Deniro did not do these things to exert personal power or for his own sexual satisfaction, but to MAKE THE SCENE MORE EFFECTIVE. Similarly, movies frequently have fairly realistic fight scenes where actors make real physical contact with each other, but that doesn't make them assault and battery.

The highly inexperienced Maria Schneider may not have consented to exactly how the scene was filmed, but that doesn't mean she was raped if Brando didn't actually sodomize her. She's an ACTRESS. She consented to be naked. She consented to filming sex scenes, and even a previous rape scene. If the butter scene was not filmed exactly as scripted or like she wanted, it was not very nice of Brando and Bertolucci, but it wasn't rape. It wasn't like they came up to a random 19-year-p;d girl on the street, pulled her pants down, rubbed butter on her butt, and pretended to sodomize her. Obviously, THAT would be sexual assault, even if there was no penetration. This was a MOVIE SCENE though, and it would be a dangerous precedent if actors could charge each other for assault if they deviate from the strict, scripted choreography of a sex scene. Of course, an actress can be RAPED, even in a porn movie, but that just isn't what happened here.

The main point you can't expect a 1972 movie to be filmed the way a date is conducted on a liberal PC US campus circa 2016 with the actor asking the actress' permission every step of the way. Obviously, young actresses have the right not to be raped on a camera, but they don't have to "consent" to every aspect of how a movie is filmed. They probably should have involved her in the decision and they obviously disrespected her acting ability, but it's still ACTING, not rape.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"


bet you feel the same way if they did that to your daughter

it's never Joan Van Ark- Marge Simpsons


It's 100% normal to feel hyper protective of your daughter. It's not normal to feel that way about every human female in general. If it were, the population of the earth would be 800, not 8 billion.


So should lack of empathy also be allowed then?


Empathy isn't just on or off. It's on a spectrum like anything else. The empathy you feel for a stranger shouldn't be at the same high intense level as it is for a member of your own family. If it is, that means something is wrong with your brain.


Empathy isn't just on or off. It's on a spectrum like anything else. The empathy you feel for a stranger shouldn't be at the same high intense level as it is for a member of your own family. If it is, that means something is wrong with your brain.

And that right there, in a nutshell, is exactly what's wrong with the whole PC Woke movement. Somehow, people have decided that it is necessary to have empathy dialed up to eleven for every single person on earth who meets the accepted "victim" criteria, and to shut off empathy totally and completely for anyone who meets the "oppressor" criteria, even if only by sex or skin tone.



You mean like now? This week? Where should I meet you?



You know how most best man speeches and any get together with guys strikes up the conversation that men can't understand women?

Well, we can. I recommend that you try harder to do so, because this post greatly neglects any care of how a woman feels. As the other commenter replied, try to think of this as your daughter, sister, or mother.


By the way, although God forbid this happens as we sadly know full well what humanity in general is like even WITH such rules, laws and regulations existing, that are all man made and not natural, even for our greater good, but what would happen if humanity in general was more civilized and the laws on matters like this were not as harsh, would we still be complaining about such issues especially if they happened like over 40 years ago?

Also, say it was a woman, just for argument's sake, who did it to a man like that, maybe even have Schneider do it to Mr Brando himself, would there be as much of an outrage and why or why not?

And I don't mean to be rude or anything of course nor do I say that I don't agree there should be rules against it but besides laws and whatnot, what is the actual difference in terms of feelings between someone wanting to touch your anus like that during a movie scene and having the touchee want it too than if someone were to do it without their permission, do we humans like have some kind of moral and mental boundaries that hurt us greatly especially in cases of men doing it to women in a moral sense, i.e. the feelings of invasion of privacy? (Note - I'm not talking about the greatly well known examples of forced intercourse, besides there being a word for it, as that is an OBVIOUS kind of example of something truly terrible and traumatizing beyond the law recognizing it a criminal offense, not to mention it is more emotionally AND physically painful than just having someone grab your butt.)

Or is there some kind of component to it that is also manufactured by civilized society to make people feel distraught and distressed about it so terribly?

Also - say indeed if it was a man who was touched like that by a woman even a pretty one without his permission, would he feel as terrible about it or would he somehow get over it better unless say something else terrible has happened to him?

And also, given the ever growing popularity of I Spit on Your Grave like revenge films for the theme of you know what and where it is a woman who is a victim at hands of men and the ever growing outrage at sexual violence issues etc - let's say if Maria Schneider killed Marlon Brando for it, even if she was arrested and went to jail, would people feel she was correct and justified and would they be CORRECT in such thoughts?

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Plus, 2 lazarillo, even IF in his mind Mr Brando was simply doing it in order to make the scene "more effective", do you not, perhaps, believe that in this field and area, there are certain boundaries that should STILL NOT be crossed, and using someone's sexual organ in some ways without their full permission is certainly and rightly among those rules, no matter whether or not in many other examples, the perpetrators do it for "power" and whatnot?


