This movie left me with an extremely nostalgic-like feeling, even though it can't be nostalgia because I wasn't even born back then. It's like this movie glorified the place and time in which it takes place to such an extent that I actually want to be there, while making me resent my own generation (social media, globalization, financial crisis, individualisation). It leaves me feeling sort of sad inside... Am I alone in this, or is anyone with me?
Believe me, I was about the same age as the characters in the movie and you did
not miss much by not having grown up in those times. Things were boring and dull and conventional. Movies were lacking in believability, TV shows were utter cr+p, magazines and reading matter uninspired. And everything was so insular, there were virtually no ways of learning about the immediate outside world unless you could travel yourself. And who could afford to do that, or even have the time?
Feeling nostalgia can be a product of watching too many movies. They recreate a myth of the past, not the real past itself. Movies simplify and glorify things and leave out all the dull, boring things.
Be happy you live in a time when you can communicate with people anywhere in the whole world or find out information on virtually any subject. Back in the early 60s it took an hour to put in an international call, it was expensive and ham radio operators where the guys who communicated with the world, if you could call it that. And finding books on esoteric or special subjects was a huge task.
What you probably mean is you'd love to be a time traveler to the past. So would I. It's easy to confuse the feeling with nostalgia. But to have grown up back then? You're better off now ...