Walkabout (amazing shots of Australian outback)
Last Year At Marienbad (aka L'Année Dernière à Marienbad - beauty in nearly every shot)
In Bruges (Belgian architecture)
The Belly of an Architecht (Italian architecture)
The Milky Way (beautiful locations and great looking sets throughout)
The Naked Prey (the wilds of Africa)
Black Night (aka Nuit Noire - lots of cool insect close-ups)
The House of Sand and Fog (Pacifica, CA, beautiful transition shots between scenes)
Breaking the Waves (gorgeous lingering shots between chapters)
Fata Morgana (1st half in particular has great African desert shots)
Lessons of Darkness (desert, oil, and oil fires, beautiful disaster)
Encounters at the End of the World (Antarctica, above and below the ice)
The White Diamond (Amazon forest canopy, a huge waterfall, and tons of amazing birds)
The Banishment (fairly new Tarkovsky-influenced film that looks great)
Damnation (there's something about the coal-moving cable car system)
Spirit of the Beehive (the ironic beauty of crude buildings and the barren plain)