Time for a remake

I have read the novel and seen this movie version and am convinced that, if remade today with a nice budget, this could make one of the best movies in a long time. I think Michel Gondry would make a very good director for the project.

What do you all think?

The grass so green
Skies so blue
Spectre is really great!



Kevin Spacey would be a good Billy.


Willem Dafoe would make gravy as Lazzaro



Correct, you are... waaay too old.


I don't think that it's time to remake.


I think I'd like to see a remake, too. Just keep Paul Veerhoven the hell away from it.

(Still mad about what he did to "Starship Troopers".)

Don't vote? Don't bitch.


I am an enormous fan of the novel, and I basically hated this movie. It would take me several paragraphs to sketch out exactly why I hated the movie so much, and I won't bother with that. Just briefly, the tone of the movie was all wrong.

I'm all for a remake, but only if I get to write the screenplay. In any case, I don't know nada 'bout no Paul Veerhoven, but I say keep Stephen Geller and his screenplay the hell away from it.

"I don't deduce, I observe."


This movie definitely deserves to be seen by a wider audience, but I think the existing version is perfect. All the effects stand up fine today, and they followed the book well and the acting, direction, and whatnot were all top notch, so I don't really see the point of a remake.


Remade or not, the concepts in this film about becoming "unstuck in time" is something the general public will have trouble relating to..1972 or Today. I think that the frist film did a pretty good job of bringing Vonneguts idea to life. If it didnt make a big splash with people then..it still wont Today. A remake is a waste of time.


The film didn't require any special effects to make, and the space shots certainly don't need to be re-done. I think it is fine... timeless even.


I always thought Jeremy Davies would have been a perfect Billy.


How about Jake Gyllenhal as Billy and Kirsten Dunst as Montanna?

"Funny how your feet, in dreams, never touch the Earth" -Nancy Wilson


Montana's character is supposed to be an alpha female. Kirsten Dunst is practically the inspiration for the term "gamma girl". Montana is supposed to be someone like Nicole Kidman.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well


What, praytell, is a "gamma girl"? Sounds like some cheesy super heroin.

"Funny how your feet, in dreams, never touch the Earth" -Nancy Wilson


Scientists use the phrase alpha to describe the individual in a group who the other members of the group defer to and/or admire. Now use your extensive knowledge of the greek alphabet to get all the way down to gamma. I'll help: alpha beta delta gamma.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well


I've seen Kirsten play an alpha female. Ever see "Bring It On"? Its not a very good movie, but she is very good in it.

"Funny how your feet, in dreams, never touch the Earth" -Nancy Wilson


Only a movie like Citizen Kane could do a book like Slaughterhouse 5 justice. It's best to leave it alone.

Appreciation is a wonderful thing: it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well


Ed Norton as Billy

Johnny Depp as Lazzaro

Cameron Diaz as Montana

James Gandolfini as Edgar

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near"



Norton is Billy!

The Best War Movie is a Anti-War Movie!
