The trouble with sequels...

This movie isn't bad, but it's a bit hard to follow without having seen the first four in the series first. I guess that's the trouble with sequels. For some reason, however, I can't seem to find any of the others anywhere! Maybe they weren't as good.


I know the feeling. I tried and I tried, but I just couldn't find a copy of Tarantino's The Hatehalffull 4.


I hear ya, OP from 9 years ago. But, really, I think this one stands on it's own, even if you don't "get" all the references. If you haven't managed it during the intervening years, I'd still recommend setting aside a full weekend to watching the whole series if you can -- totally worth it. You should be able to find most of them on ebay if you hunt. Just be sure to avoid the Criterion 1992 Collection produced in Sweden (the one from Japan is ok) as they were a real hack-job and the sound quality is pretty abysmal.

As for things to look forward to -- I hear that "The Venant" is already in the works. It's supposed to be one, long continuous shot of a group of frontiersmen poling up-river on a raft. They're rigging up a special "raft-cam" that gets pulled behind and grabs the whole thing. A kind of post-modern Cinema-Verite. I can't wait!

I'm a little more skeptical of "Only Slightly Off-Kilter but Showing Early Signs of Anti-Social Behavior/Borderline Asberger's Little-Boy Maxie: Go-Kart Road". I guess it's supposed to be geared more toward the family audience. All depends on whether they can get the original director, I'd say.

Oh, and if you consider romances, too, you might check out "The Way We Used to Be, Even Before That" if you get a chance. A real lost gem.
