Ok for a 14 year old?

My 14-year-old daughter is a fan of horror movies....she likes the Saw movies, the Ring, Hostel, The Strangers, The Amityville Horror remake, etc. Disturbing, I know...but she likes to watch them, understands that they are only movies, and likes the special effects/makeup.

Is this movie ok for her to watch?

Also, does anyone have any other horror movies to recommend?
Any that I should make sure she stays away from?

"Say hello to my little friend"


what in the actual *beep* is wrong with these *beep* parents asking if a film with gratuitous killing and rape is ok for a 14 year old to watch?


I know this is an old post, but jesus you people saying 'no, keep it away from the 14 year old girls'. I saw it when I was 16 (yes I am female), I thought it was alright. I didn't quite appreciate it as much then, but it certainly didn't warp my fragile little mind. Mind you, I grew up with horror and I haven't been disturbed by a film since I watched The Evil Dead when I was 7.

I don't think the 'kids' of today (I'm only 25, but I see there's much younger on this thread) really have the right kind of mindset and appreciation growing up with the kind of watered down, yet more 'graphic' horror films of today, but I see no reason why anyone with a decent head on their shoulders, and who isn't overly sensitive, can't view any film without it causing them problems. Better to open up someone's mind than restrict it.

Aristotle versus Mashy Spike Plate!
