Ok for a 14 year old?

My 14-year-old daughter is a fan of horror movies....she likes the Saw movies, the Ring, Hostel, The Strangers, The Amityville Horror remake, etc. Disturbing, I know...but she likes to watch them, understands that they are only movies, and likes the special effects/makeup.

Is this movie ok for her to watch?

Also, does anyone have any other horror movies to recommend?
Any that I should make sure she stays away from?

"Say hello to my little friend"



I think your daughter would be intelligent enough to know the cultural difference of the 1970's and now.
Last house On The Left uses diversions tactics for the viewer.
On the one hand it uses 'working class.' as the sadistic villains, in order to justify the violence from the 'moral' right.
On the other it depicts the mainstream 'middle class' that western media aspires people to be like. As being shallow and dumb.The only character development is of 'Krug.' who shows on a degree of honesty is his character, for this reason he can be interpreted as a hero.A hero/martyr who glorifies rape is not a good role model for any society ( in my opinion.)
On surface value it seems most teenagers want to watch films like this for shock value or from sexual frustration.
At the age of 14 a child will questioning their own sexuality , and films like this will reinforce the objectification of women, but in the guise of 'horror.'
If you compare this to real life crimes of child abduction and similar there is a wide gap in real life horror and what is presented on screen.Films of this nature are very hard to make in a convincing way,even when they use exploitation as a tool.
To conclude I would suggest a film like 'A Serbian Film.' would be more disturbing because it comes from our current culture.We would have more of an association with the characters.


I saw it when I was 15, didn't bother me. I grew up on horror films and am yet to find one that truly disturbed me. It's not so much the age, but the individual. If she's well adjusted, let her watch anything. If you think she's easily disturbed or influenced, then don't.

Da der der da, a der der da, a der der da


I don't see why the hell not, kids today have seen far worse than this.


I don't know if you're still around. Your last post according to your profile says March of 2011. Maybe you just don't post much any more.....

I'm not going to answer your question. Having read over half of this thread, I'd say you have been given enough advice. Your daughter is around 17 by now anyway so there is no point in adding my 2 cents.

I'd much rather talk to you about another little matter. You say you can't handle horror and gore. You sat and watched the floor while watching Hostel....a movie that you were dragged to see? You mean you were taken against your will?
What's with your signiture? Did you stare at the floor while watching Scarface too.

"Fasten your seat belts!
It's going to be a bumpy night!"


I saw this when I was fourteen and it stands out as a significant film in my movie watching development. It's inspired me to become a filmmaker and as I saw it so young the power of the film is ingrained in me.

if you don't like onions, you're not welcome!


Only if you are a piss-poor parent..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


No. Especially not if she's a female.


Lot's of wusses on this board, geez! When I was 14, I had seen everything from Salo to A Serbian Film.

"There is no end, there is no beginning. Only the infinite passion of life. "


Definitely if it's your 14 y/o daughter. Then she might learn a few things about avoiding get raped and killed. Those girls were idiots and acted like fools going off with some random guy's apartment.

No one deserves to get raped, but I wouldn't leave my house in the morning with my front door wide open and come home from work shocked and surprised that I got robbed. Use some common sense, and hopefully crime won't find you.
