Moral Problems?

Does anyone else have a problem with the possible moral implications of this film? It would seem as though infidelity is handled not lightly but practically condoned in this film. There are no consquences to anyone's actions at all. I'm very curious what everyone else has to say on this subject.


Chiming in late here....but I saw this film recently and loved it. If I had seen or heard much about the wife and the mother, I might not have. But I think that Wilder was careful to keep this out of the equation so that we could simply enjoy the movie. Plus, this was made in 1972, when frontiers in the movies were still being explored, and also keep in mind that this was around the "free love" era, which is something else film makers were wanting to explore.

Whadda ya hear, whadda ya say!




Quite. The ugly visuals of Jack Lemmon naked are almost bad enough to cancel out the nice visions of Juliet Mills naked. Even for a straight female.


The Production Code was no longer in effect in 1972. Therefore characters in a film no longer had to be punished onscreen for marital infidelity.

They Got Guns
We Got Guns
All God's Chillun' Got Guns!


Why is 1972 considered the commencement of immorality and this film any different from the thousands of others that portrayed a cheating spouse? Look back through history, there are numerous events that show the same infidelity that is portrayed in this movie. Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton were all notorious womanizers. Just recently the Governor of South Carolina was caught with a girlfriend, not to mention New York's and New Jersey's. And don't we have a Senator from Minnesota who has a wide stance in the men's room. Didn't the movie "The Awful Truth" portray two spouses cheating back in 1937? This story has been around since Adam and Eve.

This movie is just showing an interesting story; if you don't like the plot, don't watch the movie.


Well, there are 'immoral' people in this world, and sometimes their stories need to be told too, without any sanctimony!

Sometimes people do get away with things, but reflecting this shouldn't be seen as any kind of encouragement... After all, the proper reason for not being irresponsible is because you don't want to hurt people, not because you might get caught!

Do you like having sex? Then DON'T buy a Nintendo!


Nope. Same as with "Same Time, Next Year", another film with long-term periodic adultery with only benign consequences. This is a movie, a fantasy. If I required my sex comedies to come with a sanctimonious moral point and punishment at the end, I would watch something else.


jesus, you have problems...

you better stick to watching documentaries about forrests or something like that.
