Mmm. The whole point of the film is that it represents the American WASP moral code as stupid. Over the course of the film, Wendell Armbruster, away from the confining moral structures of his homeland reassesses the "meaning" of his life and adopts an adult European attitude to *many* concepts... not just infidelity. In the process he ceases being a loudmouthed overbearing boorish hypocritical prig with his foot perpetually in his mouth and starts to become something approaching an intelligent worthwhile adult.
Also, I am amazed that you can say that there are "no consequences to anyone's actions at all" Bruno, the steward is shot for attempting to escape the maid (who he has impregnated) the Trotta brothers receive payment for the vines crushed in the accident, Carlucci's nephew ends up in jail for stealing records. The entire film is about consequences. You just have to be awake, and have your eyes and mind open.