Worst movie Ever

Is it just me or has anyone else felt as though they've just wasted hours of their lives on this terribly bad movie.I always watch a movie to the end but this one was so painful that I could hardly stay awake. It is bland, dull and just totally uninteresting. I have seen films that are about red indians and the fighting that went on but this one was terrible definitely Hoffman's worst movie!


YOU ARE AN IDIOT TROLL . Happy now ? Got some attention did you ? Grow up & stop slating classic films like this you child .

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger . . .


To the OP's more than three year old question, no. Apparently you are not the only person at IMDb who did not like Little Big Man. So be it and while I am not among those who agree with you, I can relate to your lament about something being “bland, dull and just totally uninteresting.” I feel that way every time I read something titled, “Worst Movie Ever”.


You have to be in a certain frame of mind to appreciate this movie. It is one of my all time favorites, but if I wasn't willing to sit and watch the film on its own terms, drinking in the language, vistas, and character, it wouldn't work for me. Growing up in the 70s doesn't hurt, either.


NO, it is not just you. Off course it is not the worst film ever made, but I still think it's pretty bad. The main problem with the movie is in the writing. Little Big Man has the most meandering script ever put on paper. There seems to be a plot twist every five minutes (there must be about 45 in the entire movie) and none of them make any sense. It has some entertaining moments, I guess, but overall it's just a big mess of a script.

And to some of the other IMDB'ers out there: no, I am not a cgi/explosion/carchase/Michael Bay craving moviegoer.

And at last: thanks to some of the guys on this post (Dr Tortoise, Brain Gremlin) for defending the right to have an opinion.

Over and out.


This is funny, I came to this forum to initiate a new thread about how this movie is the most underrated movie ever, under the title "Underrated Gem".

This is your opinion man, and it sucks big time!!


Esta película es ESTUPENDA. Una de las mejores películas de los setenta. Y no es en absoluto un "destarifo". Es una película muy lógica y coherente.

Y a quien no le guste esta película es tonto del culo.


Before you call me names, I'll try to have a coherent, mature conversation with you. I think English will be more proper here as we're discussing an American movie.

I am in fact surprised that you like this movie, as it is pretty much leftist. Particularly in its portrayal of General Custer and the American military who exterminated the Natives. The movie is rather anti-militaristic and deconstructed the myth of Custer, who up to this point was depicted in popular culture as very heroic (see They Died With Their Boots On, which is absolutely brilliant cinema but total bulls**t as history). Little Big Man dared to depict him as a raving, megalomaniacal madman and a mass murderer, which is much closer to the historical truth. And in the conservative United States of the 1970s, that was quite something.

Again, surprised you like this movie. Maybe you're becoming more open minded. If so, my most honest congrats.

This is not my signature. This is IMDb's automatic translation of my signature.


Yo uso la lengua que me da la gana. Y si me gusta esta película es sencillamente porque me parece muy buena y entretenida. En cuanto a lo que dices sobre su ideología, te diré que nosotros, los "fachas", si bien pensamos que los Estados Unidos son una gran nación, no tenemos mucha simpatía hacia lo que el ejército estadounidense (no "americano") hizo con los indios en América del Norte, donde se les aniquiló, al contrario de lo que se hizo con ellos en América del Sur, donde, a pesar de lo que dice la nefasta leyenda negra, se les respetó y se les evangelizó, aparte de que los conquistadores españoles practicaron el mestizaje (que supongo que no necesito explicarte qué es). Sí, no soy antimilitarista y estoy a favor del ejército, pero también creo que ALGUNOS ejércitos han protagonizado episodios bochornosos a lo largo de la historia. Y, personalmente, me la suda bien sudada que el General Custer fuera como lo pintan en esta película o como aparece en "Murieron con las botas puestas". Las dos películas están bien.

Conmigo es perfectamente posible tener una conversación coherente y madura porque soy una persona coherente y madura, no como otros. Y siempre he tenido la mente abierta a muchas cosas distintas. Lo que pasa es que también soy humano y me cabreo cuando alguien dice chorradas o ataca cosas o personas en las que yo creo. Y yo también recibo insultos de algunos, entre ellos tú.

(Si no lo has entendido, dímelo y te lo traduzco al inglés.)


I agree with you - the people who started the thread do not
understand that Arthur Penn used satire to deal with the horror
of what the whites did to the Indians including, but not limited
to, incarcerating Indians on reservations. Even more remarkable,
that Kevin Costner's greatest film,"Dances with Wolves" is basically
the same story without the satire. Arthur Penn did it first.
There are snippets of truths throughout the film:

Jack Crabb: "Do you hate them? Do you hate the White man now?"
Old Lodge Skins: "Do you see this fine thing? Do you admire the humanity of it? Because the human beings, my son, they believe everything is alive. Not only man and animals. But also water, earth, stone. And also the things from them... like that hair. The man from whom this hair came, he's bald on the other side, because I now own his scalp! That is the way things are. But the white man, they believe EVERYTHING is dead. Stone, earth, animals. And people! Even their own people! If things keep trying to live, white man will rub them out. That is the difference."

Any environmentalist would agree with that view.


It's just you.


I love westerns & classic films, though I do watch some present day flicks as well. To me, this film is enjoyable...though I understand not everyone will enjoy it. Some people have called it a weird little film, but maybe that's the uniqueness of it.


It was much a do about nothing---literally.


It's REALLY getting old seeing a "Worst Movie Ever" on pretty much every movie's Message Board.

Please stop. Thank you.

Every IMDb User Except All of You Who Create These Threads!

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


In answer to the OP: No. Thanks for asking!

"I. Drink. Your. Milkshake! [slurp!] I DRINK IT UP!" - Daniel Plainview - "There Will Be Blood"


Nope, this is more than 4 years later and it's still just you! This movie is a classic! In my top 10!

"If you're gonna shoot, shoot! Don't talk"
