Is it just me or has anyone else felt as though they've just wasted hours of their lives on this terribly bad movie.I always watch a movie to the end but this one was so painful that I could hardly stay awake. It is bland, dull and just totally uninteresting. I have seen films that are about red indians and the fighting that went on but this one was terrible definitely Hoffman's worst movie!
Well, it is an ancient film that was made in the old days before CGIs and THX sound with lots of stuff blowing up. Maybe somebody will do a remake with Adam Sandler or Will Ferrel in the lead. And I am not being sarcastic.
Your opinion sounds kind of like my 30 year old nephew's who doesn't like any black and white films because they look old.
Don't you just hate that? They miss out on some of the best movies ever made because there's no CGI or THX sound. Sometimes black and white films are a thousand frackin' times better than new ones. I can name several -
12 Angry Men Double Indemnity M City Lights The Longest Day Paths of Glory Strangers on a Train
Not to mention some great movies made before the "Star Wars Era" -
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Rear Window Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Any Sean Connery James Bond film The Conversation [which ended up being inspiration for Enemy of the State, starring the same actor, Gene Hackman]
I try to get my kids involved in watching these movies, and sometimes it works. Most of the time, they comment, "Ooooh that movie is old! I don't wanna watch it!"
The only thing more tired than threads on specific film boards claiming 'worst movie ever' is the response, "that's because there isn't CGI or lots of stuff blowing up". Jesus people, how about coming up with new material? Oh, and all movies you listed are not only 'before the Star Wars era' (so pointing it out after having already listed such films is redundant), but also are standard classics that everybody and their mother tosses out when trying to look superior when responding to 'kids'.
... and you're entitled to an opinion, too. That's cool if that's how you feel, but now you know how I feel about it. If it upsets you that it seems a little hive-minded, this might tell you something on how a lot of people feel about this. If you feel that it's wrong to think this way, or that my list is old hash, that's OK, too. Maybe you're feeling outnumbered?
It's so very true, though. I have teenage children, and a big lot of the time, if it doesn't have the latest special effects, or it's full of explosions or action, they AND their friends aren't interested. Sometimes they show interest, and that's a good thing. When I ask them and their friends why, it pretty much boils down to lack of CGI/ special effects, explosions and action. Or that the humour in the movie is not what they expected - they don't "get it." Or the movie drags on - especially when it's a suspense/drama with little action and more intricate story-telling. Like I said, sometimes they show interest, and that's a good thing.
It's a possibility that stuff just falls under "it was all better when you were twelve years old" genre. We all go through this.
"I'll have eggs, sausage, chips and beans, and a tea." -- Nick Mason
I understand what you are saying but effects and explosions do not make for a good movie with me. I am not a stupid kid who only thinks a film is good if it was just made. I like old films, I like black and white films this movie was just not at all interested to me. I had heard people say how amazing it was and then I watch it and it was a total let down. I just wish yous "older" people would stop judging people because of their age and by the way I am 20 but I'm not a mindless idiot who can't appreciate a good film.
I just watched the movie for the first time tonight.. and loved it! There were some times I found myself slipping away from the story however. Then it just pulled me right back in. It can touch a person on several levels. I hope you've watched it again after these years to see if it does anything for you this time. Sometimes it can work that way.
I was curious the time line of these posts of yours and others in the thread. I wouldn't take this to heart. Obviously many here are willing to jump on someone that didn't like what they consider classic (like this movie is to many). It doesn't have to reflect poorly on you since not every work of art is appreciated the same way by everyone. I'd be curious to see more specifically what you didn't like about this and what you do value in a story.
It's not that I do not like older films I love old films, they are make so beautifully and have real meaning but this one however was a total let down and was not at all connecting with me in any way.
I can see both sides of the argument . . . largely because I feel the film is very uneven. In my opinion, at times it's brilliant, with just the right combination of an entertaining story, humor and subtextual commentary on various cultural facts, and at times it's a mess, with tentative to bad acting, bad pacing, etc. "Worst movie ever" is certainly too hyperbolic, but I don't think this is a masterpiece, either--more like a 6/10 to me (or a C+/B-).
Is everyone in this house a total nutzoid or is it just me?
Is there a "Worst Movie Ever" thread on every Film on IMDB? I think people like to intrude on films they know people hold close to their heart just to be a-holes.
Wasted our lives?? Red Indians????? Painful?? What's painful is how transparent you are. I don't even bother looking at the films I don't like on IMDB. We all know that this is a Film many people enjoy. It was well reviewed & received many awards and nominations.
So what the F are you talking about?
I'm convinced that these threads are not heart felt. But just a case of trolling by individuals that have nothing better to do & lead very sad & isolated lives. You probably drive like an a-hole too.
What I want to know is 'is it That great'? That if I sit through it in its entirety, what do I expect? Will I be let down? Should I be in a particular mood for it? Should I be looking out for supreme technical aspects for it to be a masterpiece?? Should I think that because of its running time, I will have to force myself to let it end?
Oh, never mind on the 'running time' one, I didn't realize it was 'only' 139 minutes - I got the feeling from this thread that it was something truly lengthy like 3+ hours.
I never thing about the future, it comes soon enough
let me guess, you are a kid, gotta be because this is one of the best movies ever. It's boring to you because today's kids have the attention span of a Panamanian fly.
Once again I am surprised by how close minded some people are on imdb just because I don't like this one older film does not mean I don't like others or that I'm young or stupid.
by - joehonaker on Thu Jun 26 2008 02:58:11 let me guess, you are a kid, gotta be because this is one of the best movies ever. It's boring to you because today's kids have the attention span of a Panamanian fly.
I am 42, and I find that statement to be more closeminded then the target of the statement itself.
I don't find this movie to be interesting at all. It's all about personal preference, and has nothing to do with ADD(short attention spans), and whatever else the cinema elitists have coined on any given day to describe anyone who doesn't love exactly what they love.
It's sooooooooooooo just you. I think you are a child, a skinhead, or an idiot. There's no other explanation. And i don't believe you are a child...or skinhead. I indians?!?!?! What the *beep* is that?!
Regarding the red indian remark from any films which I have watch with indians in them in those years they have been called red indians, if that offends you then oh well. And once again so close minded it is very sad when a person can't just listen to someone's elses view without feeling as if they have to defend it by being insulting.