The Ending

I was wondering if anyone who has seen this film didn't like the ending and wanted to see Matthau end up with Goldie instead of Ingrid?


Yes! That's exactly how I felt too! I wanted Matthau with Goldie and Ingrid with Igor. That would've made me like the movie a lot more.

The ending reminded me of "Something's Gotta Give".

"Left is Right and Right is Wrong".


The always charming Matthau was essentially a sociopath in this picture. He treated women (and people in general) like pawns in his game of life. Goldie was naive and too good for him. But Ingrid was a total darling and WAY too good for him. Matthau's character should have ended up alone at the end of the picture.

Somehow, this is different from the tone set in the Jack Lemmon comedy, HOW TO MURDER YOUR WIFE from just a few years earlier. While selfish and certainly sexist, Lemmon's character doesn't come off as a sociopath and is redeemed in the end of that picture.


I disagree. I didn't think Matthau's character was that bad at all. Just a mostly good man caught in the web of his own lies.

"Left is Right and Right is Wrong".



I liked how they ended up with exactly who they should have been with. Toni was too young for Julian; it would have never worked. But, I thought Stephanie was too forgiving. Of course for Hollywood, it had to end with a "happy ending". Igor was just using Stephanie to get Toni jealous; that would have never worked, either!



I tend to agree...I don't think he meant to treat woman badly....I don't think he knew any better. Fortunately for their own sakes, both Toni and Stephanie are smarter than Julian and see right through him.


Oh, puleez. Of course he knew beter. He knew exactly what he was doing. Lying to a babe so he could have sex with her without complications like her wanting a relationship. That sort of screams "LOSER" and "JERK" and "NARCISSIST."

Toni doesn't see right through him. She fell for the line.


Goldie was so cute in this movie.
But so nasty, urk in the film where she pays an old groupie, it's not that she's older, she's just nasty.
Can't understand it's the same person., she's just urk in The banger sisters.
Btw her ass, yes we have seen it over and over again, in every movie she's done!
But I think she did a great job in Cactus Flower!


NO! The scene in the record store shows how long Stephanie had been unknowingly carrying a torch for Dr. Winston. She was good for him. He was just trifling with Toni. By the end of the film he had finally matured; and she had finally allowed her self to blossom.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Well, after 15 minutes it was obvious who was going to end up together. It was a little too predictable for me and I felt the movie dragged on towards the end, but it's better to put more development than to rush it like they do in rom coms nowadays.




Nope. A young cute woman like Toni would work better with a young hunk who can spend hours in the sack and like the same music and have energy & good looks for years to come, like she will.

It was clear to me that Matthau was in love with and dependent on Ingrid the whole time, but didn't know it.


Personally, I could see who ended up with who a ways off. A bit predictable that the people of similar age end up pairing off.
