The Worst Film Ever??

I just saw this, and, well, it was the worst film I've seen in a looong time.

Everything about it was awful, to the bad acting from Lee Marvin, to the terrible camera-work, out-of-place music, stupid sound-effects, and worse plot.

Seriously, this was SO terrible. Maybe it's just because it's dated, but I've seen films 30 years before this that aren't dated, so it has no excuse. Lee Marvin is that guy we all know and hate - the one that loves himself so much he probably kisses the mirror in the morning. And to believe he's a sex symbol! Wow.

I've seen a fair few bad films in my time, but none that I have really hated all the way through. The whole theater (it was at a place which shows older films) was laughing at all the unintentionally funny moments, and never at the actual jokes. What a load of *beep*!


This movie is great. Lee Marvin looks and more importantly feels unstoppable. It has nice black humour and is also occasionally frightening, suspenseful and entertaining. A true classic

"You haven't got the feel of this at all, lad. Use all your voices. When I bellow, bellow back."


Out of place music? What are you 17? Movies can be a form of art. This movie perfectly captures the sound and feel of the mid 60's. Perhaps you should stick with Will Ferrel movies.


I clicked on the op's history. It would appear this is the only movie he has seen. I guess it is also the best movie he has ever seen.



Its slow, badly acted and straight boring and dull most of the time...
The photography is gorgeous, that's all i can say about it.

"Welcome to Burger Shot mofückaaa !!!"


Blablabla ... go back watching Star Trek or Lethal Weapon. :-)


while Boorman gave us this movie, you - boring man - gave us just your opinion.

And while you hadn't posted anything before, and haven't posting anything after, I guess you don't exist. Perfectly negligible mass.

Michel Couzijn


It is apparent that you don't know a damn thing about filmmaking, storytrelling or acting. Lee Marvin is intencse and completely real, the story is brilliant and you are a moron.


Yes, it is an awesome movie and Lee Marvin was a great actor. Point Blank is a better movie than Payback imo even though I did like it.
