I think it was the "just the facts" manner of acting in this show that makes even seasoned actors seem poor.
Even nowdays there are women who allow their males to abuse them and the children, so it's really not that far fetched. Back in those days women were "ladies", and were fearful of divorce. They made their bed and they laid in it... In the mid-50s my mother's first husband would beat her, rape her, and on a night where he beat her and sliced her with a knife SHE got taken to jail for "noise disturbance" cuz the neighbor's called the cops because of her screaming. Back as recently as the 70s it was not a crime for a man to RAPE his wife, abused women's shelters were almost non-existent, people were usually "too proud" to go on the dole, and there weren't many job opportunities for women (secretary or waitress). For a woman to leave a man meant she'd be homeless and penniless, until she could get work and a paycheck, while employers might be leery of hiring a "single mother" or think they should get 'perks' for hiring her.
When my parents divorced in 1969 there were parents who wouldn't allow their children to play with us - the kids of a *gasp* divorcee! (never mind that she raised FIVE of us into honest, hard working citizens who have never seen a day from the wrong side of jail bars)
Children were also SPANKED back then to keep them on the straight and narrow - it was, and still is easy for a woman to be in denial, wishing he wouldn't be so quick to discipline, or discipline so hard, but the kid shouldn't have lipped off, or should have gotten his chores done, or should have been home on time...