MovieChat Forums > Dragnet 1967 (1967) Discussion > HOW can anyone like this show ?!?!?!

HOW can anyone like this show ?!?!?!

Not only does Dragnet have the worst actors they could get (with the exception of the wonderful Harry Morgan) but the stories are so phony and unrealistic it makes me cringe! The Blue Boy dude freaking out on acid was a joke as was all the other people who used and their reactions. Oh and the people who were high on pot and their kid drowned in the tub? Give me a break !! But the worst was the guy Wally who was beating up his kid and his wife's reaction to it. I sure hope she didn't leave her day job! Sorry but the show just sucks.


We old nerds love this show. We just do.


You have to have LIVED during those years to fully appreciate it.


