Funniest moment
When Bonnet recognizes Paravideo when he comes to see him: "Oh, my God!". The way Griffith delivers it is priceless!
Rome. By all means, Rome.
When Bonnet recognizes Paravideo when he comes to see him: "Oh, my God!". The way Griffith delivers it is priceless!
Rome. By all means, Rome.
When Nicole is holding a gun on Simon and the gun gets tangled in the phone cord. She tries to untangle it while holding the gun, as his back is turned.
When Nicole gets home after dropping off Simon. Papa is suspicious, he asks, "Did he molest you?" She stops, thinks a moment, shakes her head, no and replies, "Not much!"
One moment I enjoyed was Audrey mishandling the powerful magnet in the museum closet.