Funniest moment

When Bonnet recognizes Paravideo when he comes to see him: "Oh, my God!". The way Griffith delivers it is priceless!

Rome. By all means, Rome.


anything peter o toole does is funny.. for example when he remarks about giving givenchy a day off when audrey wears the maid outfit ..


Or how about when he and Nicole are discussing the authentication tests.
Nicole hopes that perhaps the museum's expert won't know all the tests. The way Bonnet replies, "He invented them!"

BTW: With the hair, eyebrows and beard, Hugh Griffith would have been great as a comic Mephistopheles.



Then there's scene when O'Toole first gets a good look at the statue. He looks at Hepburn, then back at the statue, then he takes off the glasses and asks her, "Just where were you at the beginning of the sixteenth century?"


How about Nicole's reply? "I don't know, but that's not how I was dressed!"

I can do anything I want to Baby, I ain't lost



And how about earlier, in O'Toole's hotel room, when she asks him, "Are you sure we're planning the same crime?"

(I think someone else already mentioned the remark about giving Givenchy the night off — when he had her trying on the cleaning woman's dress.)

I remember when Cleopatra went to the Temple of Ra to lead a few cheers?


I laughed so hard and long, I cried when the museum guard made the sad mustache when he got in trouble, then turned it back into a happy mustache when his boss left.


Then there is the moment when the guards realize that someone not only has taken the Cellini Venus from the pedestal, but replaced it with the wine bottle.


Yes!! When Papa recognises the South American buyer, Senor Paravideo. Very funny.

Also Peter O'Toole after setting off the alarm, "Ring out wild bells!!" (Tennyson).

Nicole: "You don't think I'd steal something that didn't belong to me do you?
Simon: "Excuse me, I spoke without thinking..."


When Audrey tells Peter she had to get engaged to Wallach in order to get away from him, and Peter tells her, "Well, we have 10 minutes. You could go back and marry him if you want."


I love the bit when Simon asks Nicole to drive him home. When she asks where he lives, he says the Ritz.

Nicole: The WHAT?!

Just the way she says it, gets me every time.

Also, all the looks Simon gives are great too. Awesome movie!


My favorite line is "It's just a flesh wound.. Yes, but it's MY flesh."

that and "I can't drive a stolen car!!" "Sure you can, 3 gears forward, one reverse!!"


Maybe not "the" funniest moment but I was tired when I began watching this, merely smiling at the jokes. Then the scene came where the French were transporting the statue to the museum and en route two priests bowed to it after three policemen saluted it -- I laughed out loud! I adore Wyler's mean sense of humor (everything Montgomery Clift does in The Heiress!) After that I was wide awake and had a rockin' good time. I envy the people who got to see this in the theater. I would have left in such a good mood. Hepburn and O'Toole are beyond lovely. Wallach too :)
