I like it, but it's Preposterous
I like this show a lot, but it is preposterous. Here's why:
1) Jim always accepts the mission, so why does the tape even suggest that he might not? Also, why does he have to go to different public places each time to get the tape? Can't someone drop it off at his house? I just saw an episode where he pulled his car into a tollbooth, and the tollbooth attendant marked the booth as out of service, then walked away while Jim went into the tollbooth and listened to the tape there. Helloo!!! Highly Noticeable!!! At least go behind the tollbooth main office and listen to it in an alley!!!
2) As soon as Jim accepts the mission, the next scene is always him and Barney and the others finishing up with the plan. Even though the vast majority of missions take place in other countries, they always know the detailed blueprints of every building and have every crawlway and wall they have to drill through figured out.
3) Even though the vast majority of missions take place in Eastern-bloc countries, Mission Impossible team members are instantly highly-placed government officials, or military people whom nobody ever challenges on the grounds that "Who the F are You and why do you speak with a bad Czeckoslovackian accent?" Also, even though these countries have no black people in them, nobody ever notices Barney sneaking around in the electrical closets.
4) The plans are highly farfetched and not very believable. In real life it's more likely that they would just put a bullet in the villain or at worst poke him with a poison umbrella.