Sorry if this has already been posted, if it has I could not find it. Which movie did everyone like better? Cool Hand Luke is my all time favorite movie, but a friend of mine told me that this one was better. I own both, but I have not seen Hud. And don't gripe at me and tell me to just watch the movie. I plan on watching it but I do not want to get my hopes up about it being better and then not like it because its not. Thanks!
I prefer Hud as a film. I just find it more impressive in terms of the acting, writing, setting, photography, etc. And there was something that rang truer about it.
1.Cool Hand Luke (1967) = 8/10 2.Hud (1963) = 6/10 (maybe a 6.5) (it's OK but not really something i would care to watch again. it gets better later into the film but overall not something i would go out of my way to see again)
p.s. i think Paul Newman was great in 'The Hustler' (1961) (8/10. maybe a 8.5). as i would say this is the film of his i find myself reviewing the most often out of Newman's 1960's films and one of his best in general.
Like someone else on the board, I also preferred Hud because of identifying with the character more -- very simply, very personally, because Luke is the brother who is favoured by his mother, while Hud is the son despised by his dad; the latter is just more like my life. Hud gets little of the glamour bestowed upon Luke by the filmmaker - though granted, Luke does genuinely suffer greatly, so I certainly don't feel he gets off scot-free. But I prefer Hud. Love them both, though.
"You're an unprincipled man, Hud", the father said to the son. That just about says everything you need to know about Hud. He was not in the least a likeable person, maybe just someone to be pitied. If he had any real friends, they were not presented in the movie......"I say we dip our bread in the gravy while it's still hot", said Hud as he argued to sell diseased cattle to unsuspecting buyers.
Cool Hand Luke, on the other hand, was a likeable rogue who simply screwed up one time too many. His peers in the work camp came to love and respect him.
I love both Hud and Cool Hand Luke, but have to go with Luke as the better character.
Now it could be just because I come from a cattle family, but I identify much more with "Hud." Also, when it comes to cinematography (which is to me one of the most important parts of a film), "Hud" easily trumps "Cool Hand Luke."
So I'm casting my vote for "Hud" in this one. Hands down.
On the run from Johnny Law...Ain't no trip to Cleveland.
I know I'm going to get flamed . I'm sure this is not popular opinion. I don't like Cool Hand Luke at all. HUD is one of my favorite movie of all time.