MovieChat Forums > Hud (1963) Discussion > Cool Hand Luke or Hud?

Cool Hand Luke or Hud?

Sorry if this has already been posted, if it has I could not find it. Which movie did everyone like better? Cool Hand Luke is my all time favorite movie, but a friend of mine told me that this one was better. I own both, but I have not seen Hud. And don't gripe at me and tell me to just watch the movie. I plan on watching it but I do not want to get my hopes up about it being better and then not like it because its not. Thanks!


Cool Hand Luke is much better.


When Cool Hand Luke dies, its sad, if Hud were to be killed, it would be happy days are here again.

I don't know if you can compare the movies. It's apples and oranges, with each character representing something different. Cool Hand Luke like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest, is about the individual, the non conformist against the system that wants to control, and Hud is the symbol of the corrupt unethical businessmen running things and poisoning the young.


Why do people have to rate everything, or say this is "best" and put them in numerical order?

I don't get it, I really don't.

Life is richer for both "Hud" and "Cool Hand Luke".

Now that Paul Newman is gone, like millions around the world I reflected on the extraordinary body of work he left us. I remember when Brando passed away, I had such a profound feeling of loneliness, that we'd never see the likes of him again.

Feeling the same way about Paul Newman.

I love so many of his performances. Even "Sweet Bird of Youth", parts of which simply don't work, when Geraldine Paige and Newman are one-on-one it's overpowering.

So many scenes play over and over in my head, and have done for years. When Luke's mother comes to visit him in prison before she dies. When Newman is on Patricia Neal's bed twirling a flower in his mouth.
Newman and Jackie Gleason. Newman and Liz Taylor. On and on.

Oh man, what an amazing career.



I can see where most would prefer Luke. However for me it is Hud by a long shot !


"Hud" hands down.


"Cool Hand Luke" hands-down. Hud was a prick with issues; Luke was a cool guy with issues.


What we got here is a failure to communicate - I liked Hud better. Cool Hand Luke was great though



Paul Newman played a real jerk but in an overall sense, I liked the themes in the movie. His bad character was a part of what made those themes stand out (growing up, old vs. young, loneliness, etc.) And Newman played that part well. Not a lot of actors got way with playing bad guys when audiences were used to seeing them play good guys. Henry Fonda comes to mind.

"Cool Hand Luke" is a classic in its own right. It has a different set of themes. I guess "Hud" just reached me more on more levels than "Cool Hand Luke" did.



"Cool Hand Luke" hands-down. Hud was a prick with issues; Luke was a cool guy with issues.

My thoughts exactly. Hud is a great story and everything, but Cool Hand Luke was entertaining.


Both are in my Top 100, but Hud is not only better, it makes Cool Hand Luke seem like a Disney movie. I don't mean to bash the movie cuz I absolutley Loved Cool Hand Luke, and here's the difference. While I loved Cool Hand Luke, I stood in awe after Hud. It's just so much more realistic and gritty. I can imagine the Cool Hand Luke cast as actors but the cast of Hud was so authentic and three dimensional, I forgot that i was watching fictional characters. I think it has mostly to do with the cinematography and excellent performances especially from Patricia Neil and Newman who gave not only a great performance but my 3rd favorite of all time (behind De Niro in Taxi Driver and raging Bull). The silences and facial expressions just lifts the emotions Hud went through out of his character past the screen and slaps the viewer in the face. Truely remarkable and a great example of methos acting (Newman worked in a ranch for weeks in preperation for the role). I can understand why more people would prefer Cool Hand Luke it's like being SHOCKED that a movie like Hancock won more money than a movie like Schindler's List. Most people go and watch movies for entertainment, only a few look upon it as a form of art. I am one of those few.

"I'm glad it's you." _Paul Newman (RIP)



Hud is better, but I love both. Newman was great in both of these very different roles. (Neal and Douglas were outstanding in Hud, too!)


Cool Hand Luke, hands down.

This movie was just lacking for me. Probably because it's 2008 (lol) You can imagine how this was perceived back in '63. It was gutsy for back then and the performances arent bad (except for the nephew who just is not up to par with the others). I was real disappointed though, it's like it was trying to day something but stopped half way there because it was the early 60s and they were beyond prudish back then...I dont know didnt do it for me. Plus I just cant seem to get into black and white movies. The only exception is that awesome Mitchum classic: Night of the hunter which I highly recommend. Great story and great acting.

So anyways that's my vote.


Watched both of these films with my 24 year old, son-in-law. Asked him his opinion, he prefered Luke, simply because it was in color ! I really do not understand this, but I guess it would be the same as me not caring for silent films.


Cool Hand Luke.


I prefer Hud, myself. It took a while for me to warm to Cool Hand Luke (snicker), but the race is closer now. What initially put me off about it was the silence of Newman's character. I was so used to seeing him as a verbose charmer that I didn't like his being quiet all the time.

Hud I loved immediately. Such a beautifully photographed film, with some really peerless acting and a very powerful unsentimental punch.

On the other hand, you could say the same things about CHL (without the silly coda, anyway).


Hud, without a doubt, is the better film. CHL, eh. It's alright. ;)


HUD, hands down. I love COOL HAND LUKE, but HUD is richer, grittier, incredibly shot, with performances that would win Oscars even today. The McMurtry novel upon which it's based was the author's first, written as a very young man. The dialogue in HUD is stiletto-like, sharp, incisive, affecting long after the final credits roll. COOL HAND LUKE seems dated somehow to me now, and I saw it in theatres decades ago and fell in love with it...

But at any rate, two great performances by one of the most unforgettable actors in the history of cinema.


I love both but Hud has always been one of my favorites. That's my puppy's name now too :)

Hard work never hurt nobody but I'd rather be lucky.
