Where was the funny again?

I just watched Dr Strangerlove for the 3rd time. It often bothers me when I don't like movies that are highly regarded, but this must be one of the most overrated comedies, if not THE most overrated.

There were a few bits to chuckle at: phone conversations, the survival kit, etc. They're not hilarious jokes, just "huh, that's funny" type of thing you think to yourself, and maybe smile.

How is this one of the best comedies of all time? Please, someone, give me actual moments from the movie that you thought were hilarious, and why.

All I can see on these boards from people defending this movie are vague responses: "this is satire, you don't understand, this is dark humor about politics and war." Okay then; if you find this movie so hilarious, it must be easy for you to give me at least three scenes and explain why they're are GENIUS. I have yet to see someone come up with this...

I don't hate the movie, I like it and I'd give it a solid 7/10. I thought Kubrick did an awesome job, and Sellers and C. Scott as well as a few other actors were amazing to watch. However, none of that was 'haha funny' and given the premise and plot, the comedy is the only thing this movie had going for it. I just don't see any funny in it; mostly just entertaining.


Is it possible this movie has the same type of hit ratio as Monty Python?

A few standout momemts of genious resting on a larger amount of fall flat jokes
.. and people only remember the high points


For me, it's darkly brilliant throughout, played on the fine line between absurdity & reality from beginning to end.


It's not a comedy for dummies.


I've never cared for this movie. It seems very childish and juvenile. I'd rather watch FailSafe again.


There must be something wrong with your precious bodily fluids.


When Mandrake needs to call the president with the code word to recall the Nuclear Bomber he tells the soldier to shoot the Coca Cola machine for change. The soldier agrees to do it but warns him if he's not able to get a hold of the president he's going to have to answer to the Coca Cola company!

This is funny on multiple levels. First the absurdity of worrying about Coca Cola when the end of the world is imminent if he can't make the call. On another level Kubrick is making an anti corporate statement with this joke. Kubrick is essentially saying dealing with Corporations is so hellish it's even worse than dealing with the end of the world!


I agree with you. This movie is a movie of its time. It was the feeling, the irony of the movie that appealled to a lot of people. Plus, it was Kubrick, and oversold and people assmed they were supposed to like it and laught at it.

Today there are so many previously ironic and dark humor with sarcasm and all kinds of other takes that Dr. Strangelove feels weak and too lightweight, at least to me.

At the time it was the incongruity of the scenes and the military realism which is what struck people of the time. Now we just take so many undercurrents and scenes for granted.
