How long have you been a fan?
How long have you been a fan of Doctor Who?
For me, I was 9 years old in 1983 and saw my first picture of a Dalek in a Starlog publication. Since I live in America, I didn't have access to the show itself. The next year, a local TV station reran the first Peter Cushing Dalek movie and that my first exposure to any moving medium related to Doctor Who.
I didn't get to see the series proper until like 1987 when the Tom Baker VHS tapes were released in North America. Revenge Of The Cybermen, The Brain Of Morbius, The Ark In Space, and Pyramids Of Mars. The next year, on the night before I started my freshman year of high school, a local PBS station aired The Five Doctors and Robot in a pledge drive. It got enough pledges that a few months later, the station carried the entire Fourth Doctor stories. In fact, they showed them twice over the course of 3 years.