Summer of...'80? '81? Was in high school.
Before that I had seen Starlog magazine articles about some British thing wht three old geezers and a wild Bohemian guy. The older gents looked like an eccentric trio but not too...heroic, or dynamic, ad the few photos had kind of a rustic setting. Somehow this quartet shared the name 'Doctor Who'. Didn't inspire any interest.
Years earlier I'd seen an aired matinee showing of one of the Cushing Dalek stories. Didn't make the connection. "Doctor Who" seems an obvious generic kinda character name, there was another one in Toho's King Kong Escapes.
One day at home alone I turned on the Tv, bored, flipped the channels and ran into some typically low-budget videotaped PBS show, British drama combining that arrested my attention. Something about an assassin loose in a building trying to kill a political figure. That's good right there, but the costumes and laser pistils said sceince fiction, and the dialog was crisp. And the guy everyone's running around trying to catch looks really familiar from somewhere. Guy's got presence, and he's fun to watch. The Deadly Assassin, movie format. I was hooked.
Then I was looking at a Starlog photo of some tall, lither blonde guy who was everything the Doctor wasn't, and they're telling me he's the next Doctor. Pretty disconcerting. Logopolis aired, powerful stuff.
One really big day was learning that a bookstore downtown had the complete line of Target novelizations. All five Doctors at my fingetips! Stories that weren't supposed to even exist anymore! Aaaaaaand...a season's worth of Davison stories before they were even on American TV! You English guys have a useful phrase: Squeeeeeeeeeeee!
Happily for me, the Davison era pushed all my buttons, I loved it.
Someone I knew was having a party way out of town, and they had VHS of a bunch of the early stuff they were gonna share. We took a long bus ride to see 'em, you bet we did! Stuff not available in America? First Doctors? Woooow. We got there, not a sibngle episode was shared. With their friends gathered in a circle, they decided to spend a few hours filk-singing.