The '78 version is the best.It has the best, most suspenseful story structure; the film doesn't begin with the story already well in progress and instead lets things build up (making narration, like in the 1st & 3rd versions, unnecessary).It's the one most immersed in science fiction, what with the showing of the pods' origins.It's the one with the single creepiest scene (newborn pod people writhing around while Matthew & friends sleep).It's scariest since therein the pod people do the most damage: taking over a large city in a few days with no hope of anyone stopping their spread thru the world.It's got the best action scenes and the best soundtrack.And IOTBS '78 has no plot holes.This original body snatchers film is easily the next best version with acting as good as the '78 flick.You really care about the small-town doctor seeing his world turned upside down.The black & white format helps the invasion story's terrifying feel, making up for the lack of great special effects.The '93 version has a few good scenes, but it's not nearly as well made as the 1st two films.The plot and characters there weren't drawn out well.Unlike IOTBS '78, the only thing that remake does better than the original is special effects.