MovieChat Forums > Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Discussion > Which of the four versions are the best?

Which of the four versions are the best?

As silly as this sounds, I'd still like to know what people have to say over the matter of the original and and it's three remakes. Who likes which the most? I'm gonna say this one, the original.

You can not see through The Tunnel Of Doom.


I think i like the 78 vervion better. it just had some great sceens, especially the end. but the original offers so much hope for their ending. I think im going to say 1978! it was more.... realistic! you know, with the aliens 'n' all.


I always loved the 56 version (Ive been meaning to add it to my favs list), it has just got a really good feel to it.



I agree. I haven't seen the 3d version, but I'll always feel the 56 version of IVB is the best.


One of the things in the 56 version that gets to people is that one of the first victims is a little kid. It must have frightened people to have a little boy screaming that "That's not my mother !" and almost being hit by Miles car as he darts in front of it.

In the 78 version we only hear children talking. In the first film, we see that the pod people are leaving pods in their kids room. Nancy's own father even leaves one for her and didn't someone say they would put on near the babies crib?

This stuff of parents leaving pods near their offspring has got to be more chilling than anything in the 78 version now that I think about it.

Nevertheless, the 78 version is a masterpiece. I don't know of anyone who loves the original saying that the 78 version was bad or anything. Just that they loved the original more.


This one. I have a real fondness for vintage movies. IMO it's much more interesting to watch the original version of a movie, made in an era that cannot be duplicated. Even if is is possible to reproduce the visuals, acting styles (the way the actors walk, talk=voice inflection/pronounciation, and interact) are very distinctive of certain periods in Hollywood.

Say what you really mean.


I think the 56 version was a better film overall but the 78 one was more scary... i made some of my friends watch it and they screamed at the end :-S... sad people...

It Wont Rain All The Time, The Sky wont Fall Forever


I thinkt the '78 version is better. Donald Sutherland is perfectly casted as Matthew and more scary. when I watched the 2 versions ('56 and '78) with my friends (who stayed overnight), one of them couldn't sleep. talking about sad people...


1956 did it for me.

"Stalingrad. . . The fall of Stalingrad was the end of Europe. There's been a cataclysm."


hey guys, doom was speaking of the original film and its TWO remakes.... has no one of you seen the 1993 remake by abel ferrera?


I've seen the '93 version, unfortunately. I think it was Roger Ebert who pointed out what a stupid idea it was to set the film on a military base where everyone dresses alike and has the same haircut to begin with. If you can't tell the characters apart, there's no shock when they become pod-people. Plus it had the cheesiest Hollywood ending, with the teenaged heroine and her soldier-boy boyfriend stealing a helicopter and flying around the country to blow up places where the pods were being stored.

*/\*Goonies never say die!*/\*


Dear tkod
"which of the three versions IS the best?" (not ARE best)

The first one.

"It's two remakes" should be
its two remakes.

Sorry to be picky, but the standard of English on this site is sometimes so appalling I just have to speak.

But since you agree with me about the original movie being the best, you are obviously a cultured, intelligent person and I would encourage you merely to brush up on your grammar.


what the hell was the point of the last post?... :-S

It Wont Rain All The Time, The Sky wont Fall Forever


You caught me in a moment of weakness, mikeval.

Thank you for not jumping down my throat, as I've seen other posters do.

You can not see through The Tunnel Of Doom.



Not a lot of people know this but jack Finney's 1950's novel came out a full ten years after Rob Heinlien's The puppet masters. Pity they made such a mess of the movie version. I liked the 78 version first, then the 56 version lastly abel's 93 version which had a sort of happy ending tagged on.


By the way a third remake is underway for Warner Bros. Writer Dave Kajganich is penning the screenplay.


I liked it much better than it's two remakes. Although the originals of anything, in my opinion, are always the best.

I've always liked Kevin McCarthy, too. I even had the privilege of meeting him once. A pretty nice guy, if you ask me.

"They're coming!!.....And YOU'RE next!!"


I vote for the first one but I've never seen the others - I just loved the first one. At random times I'll shout out, "They're here already!" in that cheesy RJ Fletcher tone of voice - I don't think my coworkers know what I mean. Maybe eventually my psych disability will come through.


Original. Because of Dana Wynter and how the threat to domestic tranqulity was more horrifying in an era comparatively more peaceful and secure.

Do you know that guy?
No. But he's a dick.


The Original because a] Dana Wynter. b] Monochrome c] Better Direction. The 1978 version had Donald Sutherland with a tragic hairstyle and Leonard Nimoy once again trying to prove that there was more to him than Mr Spock,and failing to do so.


I thought there were only two...the 1956 one and the 1978 one. Even on imdb, only those two come up on the title search. Who stars in the third one?


The third is just called "Body Snatchers", try your search again.
As for my favorite, I cant say, I've only seen the '78 version,
which I liked.

"Im a balloon and Im losin air, beware, squeak, ah squeak, theres blood on me" - Patton
