I'm watching this movie in class, and I want to gouge my eyes out with a fork. People are going out to have quickies around the corner. The one hot girl in the class just went out. Does anybody want to talk? aim handle:jacobu9
I am frankly bored out of my skull right now watching this POS movie. This class sux0rz. I mean, on their way to california, i wish their car would break down in the beginning, and they would just die of thirst in the middle of the freaking nowhere. I feel like i'm getting dragged behind a chariot in the middle of the hippodrome. And arsalon looks like sean, but arabian or indian or something instead of a hippy.
Hmmm... maybe try 'Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed' that might seem a triffle less boring. Or how 'bout the newest J lo film. I suggest you just stay away from nearly every good movie because this film is one of the best ever.
Gee, Beavis, I would have thought you would have enjoyed a film drawn from a literary masterpiece, given your vast command of the English language. Oh, wait! My bad. I just realized that no one's wearing a cape, or running around with automatic weapons. And, Paris Hilton's not even in it! It can't be any good!
"What a wonderful economy of words you possess. I await your next syllable with g-r-r-reat eagerness."
The best thing about this thread is that it was started by some kid bored in class, and then carried on for 7 pages of discussion on the fall of civiliasation, film techniques etc. The kid that started it dissapeared long ago, probably went out with friends, got laid, drank and got up to all the kinds of things that kids have been doing for thousands of years, whilst this thread multiplied over the months.
We're still around, although new usernames abound. And you're right, on all accounts by the way. I like to check up on this every so often for a good laugh.
You're a 100% gold plated imbecile! Idiots like you haven't a clue... Do I pity you? - Hell no, I only wish that this scenario would play itself out with you in the cross hairs!
Sign up for VoTech immediatly and start learning how to grease axles. I hestitate to even use the word think in conjunction with you. The epitome of the ignorant, bane of cultural relevance.
God. No wonder this country is slipping into the dustbin of history when morons pretend to have an education simply because they have a piece of paper that seems to attest to it.
My question is, how can we keep these kids off of the internet and their cell phones during their classes?? These kids are in school, and they're on IMDB leaving notes about being bored?
I hated this kind of picture when i was in school, i'd much rather watch Akira, Pulp Fiction or a horror flick. As i got older i started to appreciate movies of a more esteemed vintage and i'm open to watching the classics now. That said i've still got time for Spiderman every now and then!
Just because some kid is bored by a classic that he's being fed by an institution, doesn't make him responsible for the downfall of western civilisation!
No, pushbuttonmagic, he's just part of the falling rubble.
I love it: "fed by an institution..." You make it sound like the 'institution' is force feeding kids. No. The institution provides the information that something exists, offers a forum for experiencing that something, makes an exchange of thoughts about it possible, the 'institution' should be there to shape and inform the student's understanding. The 'institution' shouldn't have to be responsible for the student's sense of wonder, his imagination, his curiosity. That is the duty of the society. That these zip-heads don't want to experience it, havn't got the sensibility to feel the humanity of this story, or derive some understanding of what people in this country experienced not so many years ago...THAT is the clarion bell that signals the fall of U.S./American 'culture.'
When the final arch collapses, the last bricks tumble and the dust begins to settle, the lingering echo of this culture will most probably be, "I'm SOOOOO Bored...."
Oh, and I enjoyed horror and action films when I was a kid, too -- Christ, I grew up writing the stuff. I also went nuts over this film and "I Am A Fugitive..." and "Citizen Kane" et al when I was 12-13 years old as well.
Of course when I say "his," above, I include "her" in the comment.
Some kid doesnt like Grapes of Wrath and it symbolises the death knell for all that is great and good about American Culture?
Anyhow, it's more of a historic account of the depression and the movie is depressingly dull. American culture permutates the conciousness of every nation and is the preferred youth culture world-wide. I wouldnt worry about American culture taking a bow just because some kid isn't bothered to pay attention to Grapes of Wrath. It hardly equates to your apocalyptic arch-collapsing-brick- tumbling jibe does it?
It bored you? Tough luck. If this isn't your type of movie, simply watch something else. However, I would strongly suggest you rewatch the movie and rethink.
You pretentious windbags are amazing. I had to watch GoW in high school, and I guarantee I won't watch it again. Like the original poster said, it is boring. At least to most people. Perhaps it is a great piece of art and history, but it would be a better piece if it wasn't so boring.
I'm nearly 50 now, and for me to give up 2 hours of my remaining life to a movie, it had better keep me entertained that whole time. For history, I can read a book.
Hey sas-18, I guess bad taste knows no age cut-off. I'm 64 and I know that history is best gotten from a book but the emotional connection to history can best be experienced through dramatization. If you find it boring, I suspect it's mostly because you're boringly limited.
i'm 20 and i liked the movie quite a bit--i'd didn't love it, and, yes, i found it dull at times. i don't think it's fair to say that someone has bad taste based on their dislike of one classic film. i agree that my generation has been spoiled by all the bells and whistles of modern film, but that doesn't mean we're headed down a one-way road to cultural oblivion.
Well crittercat, I happen to be 78 and I think this movie is boring beyond belief. If you find it riveting, I can only imagine it gives you nostalgic relief as an escape from your bitterness about how times have changed.
That describes me pretty well too. It's kind of funny to see how my taste in movies has evolved in just four years. When I was in high school, I thought Pulp Fiction was the peak of greatness and I was buying mostly action movies.
That I would be watching movies like A Streetcar Named Desire and The Grapes of Wrath (and liking them!) didn't seem likely. My taste in music has done a 180 since High School too.
Maybe not on an individual basis, but en masse (For the ignorant, that means in a group), they're the death knell for intelligence and culture! Welcome to the millennium!
Look, the movie Grapes of Wrath is BORING. I will now commence with a plot outline to support my point: some guy returns home, his family gets kicked off their land. OOOOOO BAD CORPORATIONS!!11!!!one!!! They drive across country in a beater, they run into some people, and at the end, they get screwed.
Wow wow wee wow. Real Deep Plot there guys. I really wish I could grow up some day and maybe learn to appreciate it. Or not, because even IF I liked movies where nothing happens other than detailing 'a story that captures the horrors of the Great Depression as it probes into the very nature of equality and justice in America' I would still hate this movie. It's boring as hell.
I can understand why elitists don't like it when people denigrate their little pet movies and projects, but just because I think Grapes of Wrath is boring doesn't mean I'm an ignorant retard. It means I have my own opinion, which just happens to be right. I guess I'm dooming this country's educational system to complete failure. Oh, wait a minute, no I'm not, I'm going to one of the premiere engineering colleges in the world!
You're right about one thing, you have an opinion to which you are entitlted. The fact that you have to bolster your opinion with bragging about what college you are attending shows that you suffer from low self-esteem and immaturity. This is no big deal and not that unusual. It is certainly better to work off these problems by ranting and raving on these boards rather than spiraling down to substance abuse, promiscuity, etc. Good luck, I hope you learn how to build a bridge.
"I really wish I could grow up some day and maybe learn to appreciate it."
I wish you could, too.
"just because I think Grapes of Wrath is boring doesn't mean I'm an ignorant retard"
No, you're ignorant because you display no regard at all for the message of this film and the depiction of hard times that people of your own grandparents generation had to endure.
"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad
Mr. Duncan, 5 posts up, hasn't seemed to notice that you can reduce the story points of almost ANYthing to ludicrous simplicity (Supreme being creates world, its inhabitants piss him off, he drowns all but a few, sends down his kid to redeem the whole thing, then promises to burn it all up some time later.) Being bored with details as he apparently is, old Zach also hasn't learned the difference between story and plot. But anyone who manages to confuse job training with education probably hasn't got much of a head for details.
Don't we adults all wish that people could get over being obsessed with story, with plot, at the expense of character, motivation, background, ambience, context... Well, we could go on, but that's enough. I'm bored.
"No, you're ignorant because you display no regard at all for the message of this film and the depiction of hard times that people of your own grandparents generation had to endure."
At the end of the day, this film is not its message, and it is not the hard times that people of his own grandparents generation had to endure, but it is a film. Finding a film boring, even a film with a great message, is not about ignorance. It's about taste. I find the film boring as hell. I find the book to be boring as hell too. I can recognize why they're great, why they captured the times so well, why they are regarded as classics, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.
This is a high school kid, we're talking about, being forced to watch a movie in class. If ever there was a way to turn kids off of classic films it's by forcing them on them in a high school class setting, which just isn't that conducive to appreciating fine cinema (or literature, really, either). I'm a great lover of classic literature and cinema, but only know, reading and watching it on my own. Forced to do it back in high school gave all of it a very sour taste that took me a long time to overcome (and perhaps I never did with Grapes of Wrath, because I still really dislike it).
-Bad waves of paranoia. Madness. Fear and loathing.-
The only time i ever enjoyed films in school was when i joined a society to watch what i wanted to watch. I thought 'Shawshank Redemption' was boring, as i'd no experience of love, of hardship, and watching it spread out over two weeks, half an hour at a time totally destroyed the magic of it, i didn't want to be there. Same goes for 'Dead Man Walking'.
I bet everyone of the people shouting 'ignorance!' love films, but i bet it wasn't a staid literary dramatisation which ignited that passion, i know for me it wasn't, i love films because of 'Flash Gordon' and the music of Queen...
Children ARE ignorant... that's the point of childhood, it's the adventure and challenge of breaking through that ignorance which is growing up, and taste in films change. You read Tom Clancy and Arthur C. Clarke, enjoy Philip K. Dick and Aldous Huxley, before you can appreciate Henry James and Charles Dickens, but i bet if you started at the wrong end of that spectrum you would fail half way through your first book, out of boredom!
If i was a teacher i would choose a film that the children would enjoy watching which wasn't just throw away pop, maybe something like 'Pi' or 'Donnie Darko', films are an entertainment medium, you have to learn how to interact and interpret them before you can learn from them.
Books are much better at teaching children than films.
Lol, that's so funny because I found Pi to be a real yawner. I guess educating people through film is fraught with difficulty due to differing tastes.
I think this film is great, but I can understand why people living a comfortable and ignorant life wouldn't. The sad thing is that the level of powerlessness and and the abuses that go along with it are still around today its just that they're Mexicans or its been outsourced to another country.
The economy goes in cycles, this film (apart from its general enjoyabilty story and character wise) is a reminder of just how lucky we are, and a warning of how bad things can get.
Hear hear. You wrapped up all points with style. The film is boring. Personally, if I was their teacher, I would research what films they DID like, so that I could somehow pace with their current tastes (even if by verbal persuasion) before leading them toward the classic, thematic films. No good forcing a slow, plotless film about hardship on them if their current interests are light years away from this!
I remember watching Hitchcock's Psycho in my English class aged 13. The whole class effing loved it. After watching the first half, we couldn't wait to go back for the second.
"but just because I think Grapes of Wrath is boring doesn't mean I'm an ignorant retard. It means I have my own opinion, which just happens to be right."
Sure, everyone has their own opinion, but that doesn't keep it from being stupid.
By definition an opinion is not right or wrong, it is just YOURS. I use "The Grapes of Wrath" in my U.S. History class to illustrate what life was like for those forced to migrate across the country, and I have a mix of responses: some kids really like the film, others are indifferent, some don't like it, but I think all of them are glad to have a distraction in class! :^) I am rereading the book (I last read it as a junior in high school about 12 years ago) and am amazed at the brilliance of Steinbeck's writing. But then again, I HATED Jane Austen and refused to read "Pride and Prejudice." I acknowledge folks' rights to differing opinions, but people should also know how to respect the opinions of others and defend their own opinions intelligently and rationally.
I know what you mean. I watched this movie cause I liked the book and I'm very into classic movies. But this one was sooooo boring. The only good thing about this movie was Henry Fonda and the actress who played the mother.
It's a blessing that this generation doesn't have to know what those people had to deal with during the depression. But if it was required for U.S. kids to visit and live among people in desperate situations as a life lesson they'd appreciate it more.
Until they've had to go without food, bathing (in clean water), good clothes, a change of clothes and had to experience the sights, sounds and smells of people suffering and dying around you, then unfortunately, they'll be bored. If put in the context of the Katrina victims maybe they could relate more but to them it's just a stupid story. How sad.
I don't think the original posters are soooo bored. I think they wanted to stir up a few bees by peeing on one of moviedom's sacred cows. How...adolescent.
The movie and book both appeal to people who are sympathetic. Period. The reason it is such a great movie and book is because the story is so compelling, so deserving of sympathy. The chasm between right and wrong is so wide.
High school, as we all know is not always about sympathy but often more about narcissism. Teenagers are self absorbed. Care for others comes only after the individual has accepted the self.
I know this sounds very Buddhist but Zach can't care about the Joads because he is focused,at least for now, on Zach.