I'm SOOOOO Bored

I'm watching this movie in class, and I want to gouge my eyes out with a fork. People are going out to have quickies around the corner. The one hot girl in the class just went out. Does anybody want to talk? aim handle:jacobu9



Those who can appreciate Superb acting and are not acquiesce will certainly enjoy it. If you are not a fan of "Thinking" AND "Comprehension"; life will not be pleasent, and neither will this film.



Hahaha oh god! I've bookmarked this comment! You appear to be a walking cliche.

To add, I'm sure there could be an updated version of 12 Angry Men about adults who judge kids by using phrases such as 'the ONLY thing they understand' and 'that's THE problem with youth today'. You certainly wouldn't score any points on academic essay titles. Ever heard of specifics? Or generalisations?


Comments such these are the reason I have hesitated to discuss my favorite movies on a wide forum. If you cannot retain the proper level of attention on a movie then you deserve what you have gotten. Good bye and good riddance.


I like how everyone who goes apesh*t over this movie decides that anyone who doesn't like it is stupid and ignorant. How pretentious is that? I mean, yeah, you guys have a lot of e-toughness, and throwing insults around on teh intarnets probably makes you feel better, but someone saying the movie is boring somehow necessitates 43 insulting posts? 43! Please people, stop getting offended over little things that don't matter.

If you want to insult me or jacob further, aim handles

We'll be there, waiting for you if you want to stop being sir talks-big-on-the-internet-but-in-reality-is-pretentious


Sadly it matters more than ever now as we see the same scenario played out around the world. This time with the Okies replaced by Pakistani slave labourers, Chinese peasants and 7 year old Indonesian children. Still at least my tainers are cheap. (From my perspective at least, from another they equate to several months wages in oooooh say a 3rd world trainer factory).



Yes, well, see my point above.


im watching this in class too. zz....


mbraleyavis is dead on, once you mature past the high school mentality, everything changes. I just didn't have the patience to view this film in high school, or maybe just chose "The Matrix" and "Blade" instead. Also, watching a black and white, soft-spoken movie like this from the back of the classroom on a small tv, with kids whispering to each other and laughing, in 30 minute segments, can definitely ruin the experience. I find watching movies on my computer only inches away from a crystal clear LCD screen, with 5.1 headphones on in a dark room with no distractions, helps me get absorbed more deeply in the film and allows me to grasp it much better. Just my 2 cents.



Hey Jacob! How can anyone be boooooooored when there are railroad tracks to lie on and 20 story buildings to jump out of. You could even wear a CAPE! Radical DUDE!!!!!


To the OP: You say Grapes of Wrath is boring. Have you ever seen a film by Béla Tarr?? Come on! GoW is a Hollywood movie it has an exciting plot and a movie star in the lead role. Yes, there are no explosions and car chases every five minutes, but it's really not boring.
The sad thing is that my university class is also full of morons who watch nothing but Transformers and High School Musical. I'm beginning to realize that there won't be intelligent life on Earth in a hundred years from now...

"A voice from behind me reminds me. Spread out your wings you are an angel."


There are intelligent people around. They just seem to like hiding under rocks.


I havent actually seen this film. Many, many 1940's - 30's black and white films are incredibly dull becuase of the directors lack of ability to project senses through drama. This seems to be less of a problem nowadays as the art has been refined. Things like dramatic music and various editing techniques mean a film can hold your attention without relying on explosions or gore. Not that I dont like explosions and gore. Brain dead is film gold.

Back to the point, in 1938 Dawn patrol was released. I love Errol Flynn, I love David Niven (read their biogs, they're great) and I love WWI air combat, but this film was so unbelievably boring I wanted to cry. Sometimes an adaptation can be dire. If I was going to make Grapes of wrath, I would have it stripped to the most poignant moments, the most important dialog and use lots of cinematographic tricks to make it look good. As I say I havent seen the film, but I read the book. So most likely the way I see the story will have a bad effect on viewing the film.


It's not the movie. It's you. You're as innocent as a microbe, but you are scurvy.


well, it wasnt all that bad, started off kinda slow, then got real good in the middle and slowed down at the end. Overall tho a pretty good movie


Hey tuxk8888 could you tell us again how the movie went. I had a hard time following your analysis. Did it start off too fast and then get slow or vice versa. When did it get "real good"? How about a review of Batman? I think you have a bright future as a critic and a writer.


You are a *beep*in retard. Seriously, go watch the latest Lindsay Lohan flick or the new Barbie: Destiny In Hawaii movie.

I would like to suggest some more movies for you... listen retard.

1. PowerPuffPuff Cigaretgirls
2. Clam power
3. Huggy Bear Adventures Extreme
4. Super Femo Extraordinaire
5. Sex II: Attack of the Carebears
6. Barbie: Barbie's First Intercourse
7. Starfish Powaaa!
8. Attack of the Cute Little Worms
9. Pictures of the Life of an Ant
10. Barbie: Pussy Power Exploration Extravaganza!

I bet you would LOVE those movies.


Opinion different than mine = retarded.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I would like to suggest some more movies for you... listen retard.

1. PowerPuffPuff Cigaretgirls
2. Clam power
3. Huggy Bear Adventures Extreme
4. Super Femo Extraordinaire
5. Sex II: Attack of the Carebears
6. Barbie: Barbie's First Intercourse
7. Starfish Powaaa!
8. Attack of the Cute Little Worms
9. Pictures of the Life of an Ant
10. Barbie: Pussy Power Exploration Extravaganza!

Hey big guy, are these real films? Some of these titles seem pretty compelling, specifically "Sex II: Attack of the Carebears" & "Barbie: Pussy Power Exploration Extravaganza!" I'm not expecting a response, since that was apparently your one and only post on this entire website (six years ago), but nevertheless, I'm still interested in acquiring some of those titles for my collection. I'd look them up myself but I'd rather not have that kind of thing in my search history. My wife would kick me out of the house again.


you dumbass!
