Recently, I participated in a two-person skit. Being an amateur, I had to learn practically everything from scratch. So when I watch Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant, I have to say that their timing and body language was excellent. The scene in the restaurant where they accidentally ripped each other's clothes ... the timing was so perfect that it looked so natural and effortless! Acting-wise, it was a joy to watch.
Script-wise, I find it a torture to watch. I can only say different types of funny appeal to different people. Strictly speaking, the dialog is actually not bad, for example, the dialog between Hepburn and Grant at the golf parking lot. Movie scripts these days contain so much sex and/or vulgarities that "A King's Speech" is a rare jewel.
What I cannot accept is Hepburn character's blatant disregard common sense and law. In my country, cars are expensive commodities. To drive off in someone else's car, crash their bumpers (?? what's the name of that car part?) against another car, shrug off the incident as nothing is wrong is illegal and certainly not amusing. I don't know how to identify with or talk to such a person who is so totally beyond normal reasoning. Hence, I don't find her funny. In the last scene when she brought the dinosaur skeleton down, all I can think of is, "all those hard work putting up the dinosaur gone". If I were in Cary Grant's shoes, I would probably strangle her rather than fall in love with her. Rachel Weisz's character did something similar in "The Mummy" when she brought the library shelves crashing down but thankfully she behaved normally the rest of the movie.
Katherine Hepburn's acting is brilliant. It's her character that is so unlikeable that I couldn't finish watching the movie :(
Oh yes, I want to add a postscript that the animals saved the day. Kudos to the animal trainers !