Why Isn't This Being Taken Down?


I reported this well over a week ago and YouTube have failed to take it down. This sets a dangerous precedent and I expect more from YouTube. Where's the incentive to even create films when they are likely going to be pirated online or even streamed for free on YouTube.....


You expect more from YouTube?



I think it is in public domain, which may explain why it is still on YouTube.


I may be wrong, but I believe the copyright on that film only lasted 95 years, so it is now in the public domain. Whoever is sharing it on YouTube is doing so legally, at least in the US. There may be a different copyright rule in Germany, so it may still be illegal to stream it there.


The film was made in the 20s, I actually like the public domain laws when they work. The original creators are all dead so they made their money. The freeloaders are the people who still try to make money off content they had nothing to do with in anyway.


Some movies aren't available any other way. Some people can't afford to shell out for a Criterion disc every time they want to see something. Luckily people put movies on YouTube.
