I know the actual purpose of this thread has most likely run its course, but I felt obliged to share my point of view as well.
As said so eloquently and many times before, twilight has destroyed the vampire myth. If Ann Rice left the vampires in a to be sunny spot when sunrise comes, Twlights has certainly dusted up the remaining ash, built a coffin of silver, engraved with garlic spikes and buried them 6 feet under on a secret location, never to be seen again.
My views on vampires isnt the mindless killer as has been suggested, but more a predator that works on a similar level as we do, but removed from humanity completely, leaving no remorse of lost human life. Humans are after all only food for them, nothing else.
I do feel that Rice still kept true to this to a certain extent, but strayed too far eventually.
Twilight hasnt even considered this.
Twilight is populistic made specifically to sell to a girls just getting used to new hormones to give them something to sigh for. It has nothing to do witht he actual vampire myth, and by calling them vampires they are utterly destroying the legends that we came to learn and love.
Twilight has done in a few years what it took breeders thousands of years to accomplish with wolves to vegetarian hairless lapdogs.
Talking about that by the way, I am very saddend about the fact that they are doing the same to the werewolf.
"The yelling will cease and the killing will commence!"