Oh boy what a thread!
Has everything been said about german overacting?
There must be more than one answer to all this, the acting style a s o.
I know two things thats for sure.. Even in the silent era, there were several kinds of styles. For example, my little Sweden, had a period of excellent
filmmaking that influenced filmmakers in other countries (Swede directors like Sjöström and Stiller). To us today, these films appear to be played in a very
realistic, down-to-earth, non stagey, way and the films were made between the end of 1910´s and beginning of 1920´s. What I want to say is, that the
German temper in the early films had a very "opposite" style than the Swedish. One can compare with other German classics like the Fritz Lang films,
(the Steven Spielberg of the 1920´s), BUT when you watch this film it is quite clear that Hutter IS a sexually inmature man. His wife seems to want
something out of their marriage, especially when its time for Hutter to leave. There is no romance at all in his boyish character. That is why Lucy, who is
utterly hungry for The Passion is a potential pray for the supernatural powers of the vampyre.
The other thing I am certain about, is that the people involved in this film, for example Murnau was a clever director and the guy who "invented" Orloks
features as well as the art direction (Albin Grau) was involved in magic spiritual orders and spiritism, which in turn would make me trust that this
production is immune to accusations from people nowadays that claim the film is made by idiots. It may be the first REAL fullenght horrorfilm (but
Kabinet of Dr Caligari was made in 1919 and the first American horrorfilm was the Barrymore version of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 1920) AND, films had
been made since the beginning of the century. What I mean is, films with fantasy element, supernatural themes a s o was old hat. Check out Frankenstein
from 1910, Student von Prague 1914 and Golem from 1915 plus a number of Russian silentfilms from that age. It was surely not one of the first films ever
made, right?
Also, there will always be people who cant stand silent films. But we others, can celebrate NOSFERATU as THE horrorfilm of the silent era!