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AOC sexually harassed on the capitol steps by a creep!




Sexually harassed, my arse. Waaaaaahhh. She's an abject hypocrite. Fuck her.


So you would be fine if those protestors outside Kavanaugh's house were commenting on the size of Kavanaugh's dick? Talking about her "booty" isn't a protest, it's harassment. If he just kept to the talking points of his protest no one would have blinked an eye. The second he sexualised her, it becomes something completely different.


Boo hoo. Offended is the new black. You leftist hypocrites call (completely exonerated) Kavanaugh a drunken rapist, Melania a whore, etc., etc., etc., ad infinitum. Both are 'sexualised' insults. This guy didn't insult her. If I was a woman, I'd much rather be complimented on my ass than be called a whore and falsely calling ANYONE a rapist is awful.


I never called Melania anything, but calling women who marry rich men whores is not something that is a right or a left issue. Just go to any actress's page and there's probably a comment somewhere about her being a whore. Read the comments on this page. She's called a whore, her breasts are talked about frequently. So please don't try to say that this is a left thing.

Never called Kavanaugh a rapist either. It's funny that you consider Kavanaugh completely exonerated. He was confirmed, but he wasn't charged so really it just seemed that it didn't matter. Being accused of something isn't a sexual insult. I honestly don't know what the current protestors are saying to Kavanaugh. They have a right to protest. I hope they are commenting on Roe V Wade. If they are commenting on his ass, dick, being a rapist, then yeah, they are just as bad as the guy in this video.


They are, not to mention there was an attempt on his life.

Okay, you're right. He was technically not exonerated. He wasn't even charged, which makes the people calling him names even more reprehensible. He is innocent in the eyes of the law, yet he's still being called awful names for a crime he was never even charged with..


They are, not to mention there was an attempt on his life.

Yeah, and Roske has been rightly charged with attempted murder. Just because I think that women all over the US have a right to protest, doesn't mean that anyone has the right to murder someone. Protesting is a right. Causing harm, violence, destruction of property, and even sexually harassing someone isn't. I don't care what side you are on.


This fellow would have been charged with a crime too, if he committed one. Unfortunately, most 'protests' don't follow decorum, and the left have done the vast majority of "causing harm, violence, destruction of property, and even sexually harassing someone".


He's a comedian and not to be taken seriously. This is far less offensive and concerning than people showing up at SC justices' homes or confronting them while they're sitting down to have dinner.


This is far less offensive and concerning than people showing up at SC justices' homes or confronting them while they're sitting down to have dinner.

Imagine being someone with that pathetic of a life that you do things like that. It baffles me. All of this stuff baffles me. I can’t stand anything about AOC, and think she is a walking dumpster fire, but I would never take time out of my life to go find her and yell anything at her…her or any of these moronic politicians. And the fact that they are politicians, they’ll just spin anything you say to their advantage or their talking points, just like she did (sexism, racism…the only two things AOC ever talks about). It really sucks that we’ve made celebrities out of politicians. Oh well, no going back now. People are too stupid.


Not only sexual harassment. He said racist shit about her being a β€œhot tamale”. This the type of behavior that employers tell you not to post on social media. This guy, if employed, should be fired for bringing negative attention to his company.


calling anybody a "hot tamale" is a compliment!


i called an actress a hot tamale in one of my reviews on letterboxd last week. if that's racist, then i'm happy to be one.


i am free of racism as of 07-03-2013




Yeah, I would say that he is a simp if that's how he is trying to get her attention.


The way she describes it in the video is different than how it actually happened in the video he posted. What he did was uncalled for, but nothing more.


"The way she describes it in the video is different than how it actually happened in the video he posted."

AOC twisting the truth to create a certain narrative? Shocking!


In the video she says it wasn't political, but in the video the guy posted he says that even though she's in favour of killing babies, he still loves her.


she also put in writing that she had the mind to physically assault the man who was merely using his words 15 feet away from her,
it's always okay for professional victims to do or say exactly what they tell everyone else is wrong


But she threw up a peace sign.


words mean something sometimes




Good lord she's so full of shit. She smiled (and yes you can tell when people smile even with a mask on) and gave the peace sign and then said I love you as she was walking away. She was being complimented/flirted with and she loved every second of it. It then took her all of 10 seconds to decide that she was going to use this as a PR stunt. Smfh....


Yesss nothing women love more than being cat called by a random weirdo..... they love it so much. just like when a guy revs his car at them. they all think "wow that was so cool I want that guy so bad" and prob a loser incel if you actually think that

you are dumb as fuck


Maybe peeps should not harass Supreme Court justices at dinner….


Surprised how many people seem to be missing this. Leo is clearly blinded by partisanship but it's not just lefties missing the point. Give Stein credit, the guy is funny.


And you are MC's dumbest of dumb fucks, and a confirmed liar.


"Yesss nothing women love more than being cat called by a random weirdo.."

Personally I enjoy it more so now that Im in my late 30s. The bigger question is why was she so triggered by this happy go lucky goofball who complimented her butt and boobs? If she wasn't triggered she was using this as publicity. Makes all women look weak.


well you re likely out of shape and getting no attention other than that.

why would anyone be happy some random weirdo said that shit to them? you really have to be a low confidence, insecure person to need a creep stranger to make you feel good.

its the opposite of looking weak, you look pathetic


It's obvious you've never been with a woman other than your mom. Women LOVE compliments. Why do you think we wear makeup and wear tight and revealing clothes? What made Cortez wear that tight white dress? Move out of mom's basement.


women love catcalls? LOOOOOLLL yes ive never been with a woman because I dont catcall them. I dont need to. I go to the gym daily.

my guess is you are mid-late 40s, well past your prime. out of shape. and the only attention you get is from an equally out of shape, equally disgusting late 40s man who only did so because he was drunk enough to not care.

yes she wore that dress to get cat called. you are fucked in the head and disgusting hag


Oh dear, so you're one of those guys that couldn't attract a woman if you were the last man on earth. Looking at your posting history shows you're obnoxious and combative and insult anyone you don't agree with personal attacks. You lose just about every argument you're in and then declare victory. You will never understand why no one likes you. So sad.


yes because im not okay with sexual harassment...... hahahahahahahaahahah vs the old washed up hag who says she likes to be catcalled by randoms. its easy to be victorious when its clowns like you on this site.

How close was I? 45, you smoke cigarettes and still go to the bar to play pool? your only attention in life are equally gross bar flys? I hit the nail on the head didnt I?


AOC sexually harassed on the capitol steps by a creep!

Maybe women shouldn't be elected to Congress. They are way too easily hurt and offended. How can they make law when they can be so easily upset?


And maybe she should dress more appropriately for a congresswoman.


Oh my god! A dress that was slightly above her knees! How dare she dress like some whore?!


she should get in a burkah. any sort of skin is enough and she deserves to be sexually harassed. conservatives when they say they arent like the Taliban


It’s hilarious to see that idiot say women are too easily hurt and offended when 45 was the biggest cry baby, narcissist that would lash out if anyone said the smallest slight against him


Ha ha ha!


agreed. they seem to think whiny, victim, bully mentality is "alpha" and "real man" behaviour.

ony posted on here about "ted cruz is the man". he got utterly lambasted and didnt respond to anyone. even they realized later calling insufferable coward like Cruz a "real man" was wrong


Stupid selfie video stunt at a distance, but I didn't see the threatening part. And she seems to be shoehorning the notion of complicit Capitol Police (like 1/6) -- as if they should push him back to keep the gap wide, yet she closed that gap to get closer to the supposed threat. He trolled her, and she took the bait.


She specifically said either let's do a little selfie or wanna do a little selfie then smiled and gave the peace sign then he said it was nice to meet you AOC then she said I love you as she was walking away. She seems clueless as to how fake she is.


Or she has a higher responsibility to appear cordial than say some asshole harassing her. Not all politicians are crass, foul mouthed ignorami who brag about grabbing women by their pussies and calling people sons of bitches.


Riiiiiiiight. πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ If she didn't like it, the thing to do was to just ignore him and keep walking. Instead, she made herself look like a total dumbass and the fucking fake that she is. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣


She's a Fucking Pig, no one cares.
