MovieChat Forums > Daisy Ridley Discussion > I feel bad for her

I feel bad for her

All she can do is Star Wars? I haven’t heard her say anything controversial like why is she blacklisted and can’t get good movie roles.

Someone who keeps getting movie roles like Jay, Leto or Gal Gadot who been in many recent movies that are box not office draws, and some that flopped. Also have questioning acting. Be getting roles over and over again.


She has had more roles since playing Rey but nothing I've heard of. She's pretty enough but doesn't have any actual talent, that has to be the reason surely.
Anyway she's returning to suckle on the saggy old Star Wars teat so will continue to rake in the cash. God help us.


the only reason why she’s back on Star Wars is because she’s not getting any roles for anything else


you dont need talent to be an actor , you just have to be able to say your lines naturally and not make then sound like a 6 yr old in the school play.

for me anyway .
an actor has to be *really* shit for me to notice .

I'll notice a lack of plot first , then lack of money spent on production before i notice bad acting


you dont need talent to be an actor , you just have to be able to say your lines naturally and not make then sound like a 6 yr old in the school play.

LOL... What?

That's basically having talent.


well ... how rare does a skill have to be before it becomes "talent" ?
tying your shoelaces is "a talent"

but acting is not a talent so rare that you should be paid millions for working 6 months to shoot a movie imo
The set dressers and prop makers have more demanding jobs,
not to mention the writer


Wrong. It's obviously a talent.

Daisy Ridley has talent. If not then she wouldn't be believable at all in her roles.

If there was no talent then every Joe Doe could enter into a movie and start "acting".


English movies and even commercials require a girl to show her chest.She may not want to do that.


She doesn't have much of a chest to show.


They would have to makeup some cleavage on her like they did for the girl in Pirates of the Caribbean.


Her acting was really atrocious in Star Wars. Especially the first film - there were scenes - actually left in the film! - were she couldn't keep a straight face. I'd never seen anything like it...


There’s plenty of celebrities who cannot act their way. But keep on getting movie roles. Gal Gadot is horrible yet she keep on getting movies her way.


Gal Gadot may not be the world's best actress, but to a lot of people she's got a warmth and presence that shines out of the screen, and she's stunning to look at.


Completely agree with you! Her perma-sneer throughout the movies was distractingly annoying. I can't watch her in anything.


Looks like she did a film in 2021 and has three films coming out this year. Will she or the films be good? No idea.


She actually has three things working against her:

1.) She can't act like anything other than herself (similar to Mila Kunis).

2.) She was in Star Wars films, and no matter what kind they are, actors who have done work in Star Wars often carry a stigma with them in Hollywood (much of Tinseltown doesn't have much respect for George Lucas or any actors that have worked in sci-fi or fantasy films), often forcing them to either stick to sci-fi, or they have to rebuild their careers all over again afterwards (if they are determined to break away from their character).

3.) She not only now has the Star Wars stigma associated with her, but she was also in a set of films that people [even the fans] HATED! So she has TWO major traits working against her. Being Kathleen Kennedy's "Mary Sue Avatar" doesn't work in her favor either.

I honestly don't see her career going anywhere after Star Wars, other than paid promotions for Star Wars, or quiet, low-budget, British dramas that nobody watches.


Has any actor apart from Harrison Ford ever made it big after Star Wars?


Ewan McGregor hasn't had his career ruined by Star Wars. Although, he was reasonably well known already...

Samuel L Jackson too.

Natalie Portman.

Liam Neeson.


They were all stars before Star Wars.


Well as I said, to an extent with McGregor. Portman however, was only really as a child actress...

But otherwise, if the question reduces to "unknowns who never went on to make it big", then the "has any" just becomes Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley and Hayden Christensen...


I've nothing against the girl. She just seems pretty flat and uninteresting as an actress. I don't see anything in her to make casting directors sit up and say 'Get me Daisy Ridley!'. And whilst she's far from unattractive, she's not 'Hollywood glamorous' so I don't see her getting cast on her looks. I feel she's destined to fall between the cracks.


Sadly this.

I actually like Daisy Ridley, but she's very.... flat. Monotonous in her presentation, unfortunately.

She's no Noomi Rapace, who seems to make everything she's in better, even when the film isn't that good (I'm looking at you Close).


Imagine if Vanessa Kirby had played Rey.


She's 31 years old by now, so no longer able to get by on youthful looks alone, and her acting abilities have always been strictly limited. It's been almost 8 years since she starred in TFA, and she hasn't managed to stand out or leave a lasting impression in any of the roles she's had since. At this point, it's clear that she's no big box office draw, and she's too limited as an actress to have a career in smaller independent movies. Accordingly, I'm not surprised to see SW being her only option.


Isn’t she a singer?


A trained singer, dancer and actor. Daisy won a a scholarship to the Tring Park School for the Performing Arts which she attended from the age of nine to eighteen.
