Cut fire department's budget by $20 million... spite of warnings from Los Angeles fire chiefs that their crews would be unable to cope with a large-scale emergency.
Like we're having right now. spite of warnings from Los Angeles fire chiefs that their crews would be unable to cope with a large-scale emergency.
Like we're having right now.
thats what people voted for
shareShe needs to do the decent thing and resign.
sharedoes not matter, it's more important we have diversity in the FD!
A Los Angeles Fire Chief Said this:
Psssh.. "fires".. Part of life. They needed the budget bucks to welcome illegals into Cali and provide them food and love.
They are a part of life and it is the victim’s fault to be caught in one! Or so says a female firefighter in LA. I just saw a clip of this silly woman on YouTube. She said that if a woman complains that she (the firefighter) can’t rescue her husband from a burning building, “Well, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Foolish people, spending time in buildings and not thinking that a fire could break out. Might as well live outside in a forest. Oops, they burn too.
I waffle between feeling sorry and feeling they get what they deserve when they are given ample warning to evacuate yet they don't.
she is a liar, she was just on tv saying they need an investigation whether the fire budget was cut. she says there is disagreement on that.