MovieChat Forums > Timothée Chalamet Discussion > Poster-boy for the Left's ideal modern m...

Poster-boy for the Left's ideal modern male.

Non-threatening, non-'toxic', androgynous, dainty, scrawny. Likely spends more time on his hair every day than most women. This creature is the image of what the Leftist machine is trying to turn all males into.


You're not hiding your envy very well.


Yeah, like I want to look like an anorexic, fugly, teenage girl. Wow, you're just SOOO perceptive and insightful.


he doesn't matter, nor the left's ideals.

it's a lot like men's true perspective of most feminists: their so ugly, you'd never want to f%$# them anyway.

same with women: guys so feminine, women don't want to f%$# them anyway.

And the reality of sex and sexes continues to repeat as usual, like it always has, like it always will.


I've only seen him in Dune and found him great in it. He is androgynous looking and too thin, needs a bit of weight. But that wasn't my impression, if you watch more films, he looks very 60s French actor to me. He reminds me in looks of Ausdrey Hepburn and Alain Delon.


And you sound like the poster boy of right wing toxic masculinity.
Did you bully the nerdy kids in high school? Or were you the bullied one and now you project your self-hatred on your kind?

The Comments here about leftist are funny from people that worship Donald Trump and his boys.


A man bun and an electric scooter would make the picture complete.


quit using us to replenish your whack stack


Too right.


A female?
