MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Not sure what to think

Not sure what to think

I became a fan of hers during her stint on American Gladiators. I didn't even know she was a fighter at that point. Then I found out she was a fighter, saw some interviews, and continued to follow her. Attractive girl (especially back then) and a really humble/shy personality.

I was bummed when she lost to Cyborg, but happy she started acting even though she's nothing special as an actress.

But some of the shit that comes out of her mouth is mind-numbingly stupid. She's not simply a Republican, she is the epitome of uneducated, paranoid, and proud of it.She peddles pure nonsense. She said NOTHING anti-trans, that is a lie from the PC police and I will absolutely die on that hill, but all of the political and anti-vax stuff - she's simply nuts. I really didn't enjoy her anymore. She's so dumb and confident in her ignorance.

However, I fucking HATE cancel culture. Sometimes you do something stupid and deserve to be punished for it, but that's not what cancel culture is. Cancel culture is disproportionate. Cancel culture aims to RUIN people's lives and careers. It's a generation of fucking BRATS who can't handle when things don't go their way, they see things or opinions they don't like, etc. They are beyond immature. And we're catering to this diseased generation. They are nothing more than a mob. And quite simply put, people are allowed to be wrong, say stupid stuff, etc.

She kind of has a point too. Comparing ANYTHING to what the Jews went through is a bad look - and bad hyperbole at best - but she's not off-base about being conservative, independent, or even simply disagreeing with a "progressive" on a single issue. You're either "progressive" or wrong - and then the mob comes for you.

That being said, she said some REALLY DUMB shit. Jews weren't beaten by Nazis, but their neighbors? She's clearly off as a person. But again, she has a right to be. She committed to crime and has a right to work. Liberals will defend actual criminals, but Will. Not. Stop. until someone they disagree with is ruined.


I think celebrities who are smart either don't have social media, or just have social media run by their PR and post only project related stuff.

I don't think what she posted necessarily warranted firing. But, I imagine she'd been warned about this over and over again and she kept poking the bear.

When your profile is such that you're instantly associated with a company, you don't get to have a "personal" social media account. Even the company I work for states this in its social media policy. It's a trade-off for the success and money that comes with your position.

I hope she felt it was a hill worth dying on. Now she can post whatever she wants on Twitter.


No totalitarian ideology tolerates dissent. Her dismissal was always coming.


She's no different than the average q anon nutjob. Shocking Disney would cut ties with her.


I don't really consider this cancel culture. I mean twitter had been trying to get her fired for awhile now and she still had a job. I was happy about that.

I have to think though that she was warned by her bosses, possibly her agent as well to maybe calm down on social media. I don't believe that all the higher ups at Disney and Lucasfilm are all leftwingers. They are about protecting their brand.

Think of the company you work for. Do they have any policies for employee conduct? I know mine does. Not that I have massive social media, but if I posted things that my boss didn't like and they asked me not to and I kept doing it, I would be fired.

Regular people have been fired from their jobs from things that they've tweeted which weren't even political. I have been a fan of Carano's since American Gladiators as well, but she did this to herself.


But Pedro Pascal can keep his job when tweeting that illegal immigrant camps are the same as Jewish concentration camps.

How does he keep his job and she doesn't?

How come the author of the High republic comics can be racist to white people and keep her job?

How can Disney artists attack and denigrate fans for their opinions but keep their job?

The list goes on and on.

You can be as horrible as you want but if you vote and speak a certian way then you are safe, that is not right and shouldn't be allowed.

Rules for thee not for me.


I think that there should be a lot more accountability for actors with their social media.

The only post I know that was controversial was the one after the election comparing the maga hat to the confederate flag and the swastika. I haven't heard of recent other ones. If there have been I don't know.

What I do know is that Carano has had several since November and she is only being fired now. I can only think that perhaps it was because she was warned more than once and didn't abide. Perhaps Pascal was warned as well and heeded the warning.

I don't know anything about the high republic comics so I have no idea.

What I do think is that actors are essentially employees of a company, and as such they should be held to the same standards as the rest of us. If we tweet something that goes against company policy there should be consequences. Perhaps Disney's policies are a little more left than you might like, but it's their brand. As to why the guy who made fun of the fans didn't get fired I have no idea. I think he should have. I think everyone should be held to the same standards, but I think that the line needs to be more clearly defined as well. Perhaps Pascal's tweet or whatever (I didn't see it) comparing kids in cages to a concentration camp wasn't seen as offensive as the comparison that Carano made of the jews being rounded up to politics now. I don't know, I didn't draw the line. I know that she wasn't fired for her mask tweets, or her tweets about pronouns, so it wasn't just she said one thing and got fired like Rosanne did.


So as long as you are left leaning then thats ok?

Her final Tweet is literally prooving her point which everyone is missing.

Because her politics and opinions don't line up with the radical Twitter left fanatics then she must be fired and cancelled. If she had tweeted stuff for example like she voted for biden not one person would have done anything, no one would have cared about her tweet.

I like as well you just by passed the line about the racist high republic author. Why? because she is black? and black people cannot be racist?

If i say i voted for Trump. Automatic assumptions are made of me no matter if they are true or not. That is what her Tweet is representing. But of course people bypass that and head straight to "how are Republicans like Jew, she must be a bigot".

There are not enough sigh emojis to cover that.


So as long as you are left leaning then thats ok?

Where did I say that?? I did not say that or imply that. I think that everyone should be held to the same accountability. That's my opinion.

I have supported Carano and her tweets in the past because even though I do not agree with what she was saying she did explain why she was saying them and I support her right to say them. Her employer does not have to support that, and I find it highly improbable that she wasn't warned. If she wasn't she still had to know there was a risk. She took it. She brought it on herself.

I said I have no idea who the racist high republic author is. I know nothing about it so I'm not going to comment on something that I don't know about. I don't know what she said or who she said it about. How can I comment?

If you voted for Trump, great. I have no opinion on why you would do that. You have your reasons. If you didn't vote for Trump, great. I have no opinion on why you would do that. You have your reasons. What I do judge, is how you treat other posters. Some of my favourite people on here said they are Trump supporters.

I've never said that Carano is a bigot. Twitter is a cesspool of nastiness all around. Carano jumped into that cesspool with her eyes wide open as far as I'm concerned. She was poking the bear and she got bitten. You cannot have nuance on twitter. I think we all know that what we post online can hurt us in our employment. There have been several people who have been fired for non political tweets over the last decade or so.


Where did I say that?? I did not say that or imply that

Perhaps Disney's policies are a little more left than you might like

So it is ok for Disney to fire people who are not left leaning?

I was not stating you personally so for that I apologise. I was stating the hypocrisy. On Twitter a Trump supporter is automatically a bigot, racist, transphobe regardless of who they are or what they do.

Literally because I have seen it you can go on Twitter and put out death threats to peoples children but as long as you have pronouns and rainbows in your bio you are protected.


I have not said that it's okay, I have just guessed that that is the reason.

Twitter is not a place where I would judge humanity. The only thing that I can do is to think for myself and to judge people on how they treat others and not who they support politically. I come from a country that has more than 2 political parties and realize that not everything is right or left, and black and white and I try not to get caught up in that sort of rhetoric.

I have not excused Disney for firing Carano, but I do understand why they did even if I wish they didn't.


but I do understand why they did


She did nothing wrong. Literally did nothing wrong.

The people who interpreted her tweets are the issue not Gina Corano.

Again another one for you. Pedro Pascal called repbulicans nazi's but again that is ok.

How about the abuse Gina Corano got for putting 3 words as her pronouns in her bio. How about the disgsting abuse and death threats she got for that, nothing has happened to them, their accounts have not been suspended. Check dataracer best archival person on twitter hands down.

Do you not see a pattern forming here.If Gina Corano had tweeted about hating white men and the patriarchy and voting Biden, she would still be employed. She just would.

Do you not see a pattern forming here.


I've explained why I said I understand why they fired her. They have a brand. You can disagree with their brand. I've heard that they've been looking for a reason to fire her over her other social media posts for months. She chose to not stop posting what she wanted to post. She has the right to do that, but she, and everyone else, needs to realize that there are consequences.

You may disagree with the reasons behind those consequences, but no one should have been surprised that it happened. I know what my employee standards are at work, I also know that if I post anything against brand that I can be fired, even if I think I am 100% correct. It's a choice.
