Not sure what to think
I became a fan of hers during her stint on American Gladiators. I didn't even know she was a fighter at that point. Then I found out she was a fighter, saw some interviews, and continued to follow her. Attractive girl (especially back then) and a really humble/shy personality.
I was bummed when she lost to Cyborg, but happy she started acting even though she's nothing special as an actress.
But some of the shit that comes out of her mouth is mind-numbingly stupid. She's not simply a Republican, she is the epitome of uneducated, paranoid, and proud of it.She peddles pure nonsense. She said NOTHING anti-trans, that is a lie from the PC police and I will absolutely die on that hill, but all of the political and anti-vax stuff - she's simply nuts. I really didn't enjoy her anymore. She's so dumb and confident in her ignorance.
However, I fucking HATE cancel culture. Sometimes you do something stupid and deserve to be punished for it, but that's not what cancel culture is. Cancel culture is disproportionate. Cancel culture aims to RUIN people's lives and careers. It's a generation of fucking BRATS who can't handle when things don't go their way, they see things or opinions they don't like, etc. They are beyond immature. And we're catering to this diseased generation. They are nothing more than a mob. And quite simply put, people are allowed to be wrong, say stupid stuff, etc.
She kind of has a point too. Comparing ANYTHING to what the Jews went through is a bad look - and bad hyperbole at best - but she's not off-base about being conservative, independent, or even simply disagreeing with a "progressive" on a single issue. You're either "progressive" or wrong - and then the mob comes for you.
That being said, she said some REALLY DUMB shit. Jews weren't beaten by Nazis, but their neighbors? She's clearly off as a person. But again, she has a right to be. She committed to crime and has a right to work. Liberals will defend actual criminals, but Will. Not. Stop. until someone they disagree with is ruined.