MovieChat Forums > Gina Carano Discussion > Not sure what to think

Not sure what to think

I became a fan of hers during her stint on American Gladiators. I didn't even know she was a fighter at that point. Then I found out she was a fighter, saw some interviews, and continued to follow her. Attractive girl (especially back then) and a really humble/shy personality.

I was bummed when she lost to Cyborg, but happy she started acting even though she's nothing special as an actress.

But some of the shit that comes out of her mouth is mind-numbingly stupid. She's not simply a Republican, she is the epitome of uneducated, paranoid, and proud of it.She peddles pure nonsense. She said NOTHING anti-trans, that is a lie from the PC police and I will absolutely die on that hill, but all of the political and anti-vax stuff - she's simply nuts. I really didn't enjoy her anymore. She's so dumb and confident in her ignorance.

However, I fucking HATE cancel culture. Sometimes you do something stupid and deserve to be punished for it, but that's not what cancel culture is. Cancel culture is disproportionate. Cancel culture aims to RUIN people's lives and careers. It's a generation of fucking BRATS who can't handle when things don't go their way, they see things or opinions they don't like, etc. They are beyond immature. And we're catering to this diseased generation. They are nothing more than a mob. And quite simply put, people are allowed to be wrong, say stupid stuff, etc.

She kind of has a point too. Comparing ANYTHING to what the Jews went through is a bad look - and bad hyperbole at best - but she's not off-base about being conservative, independent, or even simply disagreeing with a "progressive" on a single issue. You're either "progressive" or wrong - and then the mob comes for you.

That being said, she said some REALLY DUMB shit. Jews weren't beaten by Nazis, but their neighbors? She's clearly off as a person. But again, she has a right to be. She committed to crime and has a right to work. Liberals will defend actual criminals, but Will. Not. Stop. until someone they disagree with is ruined.


I agree she said somerthing stupid (not for the first time either) so she should have known better. But the mass outrage by the cancelling pussies who live in a constant state of being offended is just ridiculous.


What was so stupid about it she's right you can't speak your opinion if you are conservative otherwise you are ostracized and persecuted. What she said is absolutely 100% true and a bunch of butt hurt morons who are the majority in hollywood, media, banking, and other areas act like someone backstabbed their grandmother and tossed them in an oven.


Nah it's people so upset at their published political views attracting ridicule and scorn that they identify with being officially dehumanised by the state and then murdered. They are clearly the butt hurt ones.


"What was so stupid about it she's right you can't speak your opinion if you are conservative otherwise you are ostracized and persecuted."

While this is true, it is in NO WAY coparable to what Jews in Nazi Germany went through.


So that is worthy of her being fired? Back to your corner.


I don't believe I ever said that.


Anderson Cooper compared the Capitol riot to 800,000 Killed in the Rwandan genocide. It's one rule for the left and another for everyone else. I don't recall AC making any similar comparisons to the BLM riots last summer. Funny that.


Did you listen to what Cooper said? He was talking about "otherizing" which is something that I see on here everyday. Every time you see a generalization about the left or the right, name calling, that's otherizing. Both sides do it. The Us vs. Them mentality is all everywhere, and Cooper is right, that's how you get people prepared for genocide.

He didn't actually say that the riot at the capitol riot was genocide. I should also point out that Mark Steyn's commentary on that topic was doing exactly what he was complaining Cooper was doing.


How do you know? You weren't there. My father was. He was detained by the nazis. And this all is VERY much how it started in the '30s.
The woman said nothing wrong, and certainly nothing ant-semitic. This is nonsense.


How do I know being "canceled" isn't comparable to mass murder? What is wrong with you?


It began with a denial of basic rights and a confiscation of the ability to defend oneself. From there it escalated to attacks by the citizenry, just as attacks against Jews have grossly escalated in the U.S. today.
After that came forced relocation.
It was a process. It did not begin as mass murder. But, of course, you don't know anything about that.


Jews weren't beaten by Nazis, but their neighbors?

That is not what she said and this is how these things snowball. She said "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by nazis soldiers but by there neighbours...even by children".

Yes at first in Germany, there was a governmental campaign to basically turn your neighbours against you if you were jewish and when the war broke out it was much easier to round them up because your neighbours had done the hard work first.

She equated the neighbours going against you for being replublican not for being jewish, why can't people see the difference. There are even articles stating that she compared being a republican to the holocaust which is a straight up lie she said the above quote.

Cancel culture is a cancer and twitter now knows that it works. Who will be next for disagreeing and having there life ruined.

You disagree with someone here is a novel idea. Don't read them, ignore them, block them, don't consume them. It is easy.

Lastly I have been following this from the start and she hasn't said any "REALLY DUMB" shit. She has given her opinion ( you don't have to agree with it) made fun of pronouns (so what). Again don't like it, don't read it.

If you are offended by her making fun of pronouns. Simple answer to that is "Grow the Fuck up".

Why are other Lucasfilm emloyees protected? We know who they are. Why are they still employed for being racist and attacking people but she gets fired. I thought Lucasfilm stood against harassment and bullying, wasn't that there statement.

I guess it is true until your opinion differs from them and Twitter. The quicker Twitter disapears the better.


"That is not what she said and this is how these things snowball. She said "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by nazis soldiers but by there neighbours...even by children"."

This is the same thing, you goof.


She is awful. Now, can we shut down some more pipelines, led by the great Chris Evans and Cher, so we can kill more jobs?


What makes her awful? Still haven't seen anything, other than her decrying the way people are treating each other. A little secret: that makes her a GOOD person.


I'm not sure but we all know liberals never overreact.


"and then the mob comes for you"

But in this case all that means people being critical and/or mocking the views you've expressed via social media,

I bears ZERO comparison with anything she's trying to draw one with.

And jews were beaten in the streets by their neighbours. Over many pogroms over many years. Then the nazis made a final pogrom their ultimate politcal aim.

But it has nothing to do with anything happening on social media.


No, they came for her job.Have been for months.


I haven't seen her saying any non-sense.

The election being a fraud? Given the amount of statistical irregularities, particularly in key cities, I'd say it's highly likely.

The vaccines not being safe? That's common sense. Testing period was reduced from months and years to weeks, which is clearly not enough. It's a gamble: use them and hope everything will be OK. Of course, you could argue whether the risks are lower than waiting until you're sure they're safe. That's reasonable. But pretending they're safe is non-sense.

Republicans in a similar situation than Jews? That's accurate. Let's remember that closed ghettos and concentration camps didn't happen until WW2, and that was almost a decade after Nazis took power. During the 30s, the situation was more or less like being a Republican in US. Right now, if you openly oppose woke Left in US, you could lose your job. Indeed, US has reached the point of making a purge in the military to have a military that supports political Left. The country is entering very dangerous waters.


LOL @ you still talking about a "rigged" election.


I was answering you comment about what he said. I quote you:

all of the political and anti-vax stuff - she's simply nuts

Her complains about the rigged election were legit.


You are CLEARLY OFF as a person (or a bullshit campaign?)

CANCEL CULTURE is cancer for online reality, you dismiss it, but you ARE IT.

Fuck Fakers, like you


Literally said she shouldn't be canceled. Can you read?


I cancel you




Go study your German history prior to the actual start of WWII. What she said is correct. The German people were the first to start persecuting the Jews, and many Jews joined in because they thought it was going to keep them from being attacked like the supposed "bad" Jew... it was only later that they started the final solution, in the beginning it was just like it is with conservative today, ostracize them and shun them.... The next step will be elimination.

Remember how many times you see liberal fucks squawking that Trump supporters should be killed. It's just a matter of time until they try, although they will first try to push through federal gun control because without that the final solution for conservatives will not work the way it did for the Jews in Germany because the conservatives are well armed and will finally rise up and smite the ignorant liberals.


Remember how many times you see liberal fucks squawking that Trump supporters should be killed.

um , no?


Then you haven't been on the internet much.


You clearly haven't read enough books. It's a long slog, probably bigger than the holy bible, but William Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is a incomparable resource. Gina is kind of speaking metaphorically, but it's also factually accurate that Jews were persecuted ( beaten up) by the average German, not just Nazi jackboots. It started with the 1934 Nuremberg Laws. Jews were singled out as the source of every German problem, from losing WWI to banking to grocery stores. Metaphorically, it's on cue to compare what big tech and the MSM are doing to every right leaning person in the USA. She doesnt sound dumb to Me, she sounds awake and based af.


But Gina isn't being beaten up in the streets. That's the key issue here.


so, as long as persecution is relegated to online erasure, depersoning, public ridicule, getting your banking service cut off, losing your job/livelihood, services denied, losing your home. All that stuff is ok and nothing comparable to early Nazi Germany, as long as the person hasn't been beaten up yet. Got it, great point.


Yeah. Online inconvenience is nothing like real life, period. Well done.


So you pick the one thing that is different to make her point invalid. *sigh*

She is equating to exactly what is going on.

Republican (Jew) says or does something (doesn't matter what it is). That something is not what the Left (German Peoeple) like or agree with and so do a campaign to have her cancelled and it worked. She is not saying that Republicans are being round up and beaten and put in gas chambers. She is equating to the fact that the Left rule sociall media and MSM and if you speak out against it or say anything they don't agree with you are once again "Cancelled".

How hard is that not to comprehend. She is absolutley right. The ones calling her a nazi are the ones being the Nazis. No discussion, no retorts, no back and forth arguement. Just straight up censorship and your gone. That is not a healthy world to live in.

She was called Transphobic for putting "beep Bop Boop" in her profile mocking them. SO. SO what. They came for her because she wouldn't do it, why were they forcing her to do it? And when she mocked them the hashtag started. It has been a succession of hashtags on Twitter over many months to get her fired solely based on the fact that she she has an opinion they do not like. Now they will say "actions come with consequence". What actions? She tweeted, that isn't an action. You don't like it, scroll on, grow the fuck up, really.

How come on the Left you can be racist, death threats, this is allowed if you vote Biden, wierd that isn't it. But if your a republican or a conservative doesn't matter what you say or do the mob will eventually come for you.


In bizarroworld!


" Gina is kind of speaking metaphorically, but it's also factually accurate that Jews were persecuted ( beaten up) by the average German, not just Nazi jackboots."

It's a BAAAAAAAD metaphor. Cancel culture is a disease and liberals are completely out of control, but it's not comparable to beating and killing and entire people. It's a ridiculous comparison and you know it.

She didn't say "not just Nazi's", she said, " not by nazis soldiers but by there neighbours"


I'm not saying this derisively, read some damn books. Old ones written 50 years ago.


Are you saying no Nazis physically harmed Jews?


You aren't even reading the replies in this thread!


What you said:

"but it's also factually accurate that Jews were persecuted ( beaten up) by the average German, not just Nazi jackboots."

What she said: "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by nazis soldiers but by there neighbours...even by children".

She literally said "not by nazis". You agree with this?


She didn't say not EVER by nazis. And neither did I for that matter. Saying and insinuating such is trolling or just lying.


"Jews were beaten in the streets, NOT BY NAZI SOLDIERS but by there neighbours..


That statement is 100% true. That statement doesn't mean Jews were not also beaten by nazi soldiers. If Gina Carano constructs a sentence and you can't understand it, that doesn't make it her fault.


learn to read ffs. And try to understand what you read, without projecting.


No! We have our own facts!! Our own truth! You keep your historical accuracy to yourself!
