Career over?

Jennifer Lawrence is now done with THG franchise, and I don't think she'll do another X-men film. After she's done her sex scene with Chris Pratt, do you think she'll continue getting top box-office films?


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She will work for the rest if her life, she has won an Oscar, maybe two?


Not meaning to be snarky - honest! - but what has twice Oscar winner Hillary Swank done recently?


After she dislodged some Maui rocks and made that crack about her butt, yes..

"And that's SHOWBIZ--kid."-Roxie Hart.
PROFILE PIC:Courtney Thorne-Smith.
MAGIC=Sarah Silverman.


I think X-Men Apocalypse was the beginning of the end of her time as THE female star.

Her character was poorly written, which is not her fault, but her acting was not able to overcome it. I actually cringed a few times at her delivery.

The butt-scratching-rock, I think, is also a tipping point from being the charming-awkward-falling-at-the-awards-show girl to a very mild version of classless-lena-dunham.... while she is incredibly classier than LD, the rock thing just chipped away at her charming persona...

Passengers will flop, and that will continue to the trend out of the spotlight that started with XMA

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Never said it was

but her time as the #1 leading female star is coming to a close...

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hollywood is a corporation and the studios want to make money.... she led franchises that succeeded not because of her, but despite her..

hunger games- had a built in book audience.. saying jlaw made that a sucess is like saying daniel radcliff made harry potter a success

she may continue to act, but passengers will show she has 0 box office draw..... shes had too many failures in a row for them to continue to delude themselves) and apocalypse showed shes willing to betray a studio who gave in to all her demands and give a phoned in joke performance.

what recent film has jlaw shown she can single handidly carry and bring in viewers?? american hustle where she was at most the 5th main character and was outacted by bale, cooper renner, mcadams??? joy that bombed? serena that broke even at best?? apocalypse where she was given the lead role and phoned it in?? silver lining where she was a costar??

winter bones is long over.... stop living in the past. ya arnold Schwarzenegger carried predator, doesnt mean he can still carry a film
