Love Alex - Hate Hawaii Five-O
I've loved Alex O'Loughlin for years (favorite being Moonlight) but I can't tolerate Five-o and I resent it's success because as long as it's popular, Alex is tied up and isn't doing other projects!
Five-O is a superficial show with shallow writing and shallow characters. The plots are old tired "cop show" cliches and only the fact that the locale is Hawaii makes them slightly more palatable.
In contrast, I just watched the dvd of the season 4 Criminal Minds episode "Big Wheel" where Alex plays a serial killer and although I've seen this episode several times before, I'm still blown away my Alex's performance. It's sad and touching and totally steals the show.
I know he's probably making a zillion dollars on Five -O but what a WASTE! Alex, if you ever read this please QUIT and do something more deserving of your talent!