MovieChat Forums > Alex O'Loughlin Discussion > Love Alex - Hate Hawaii Five-O

Love Alex - Hate Hawaii Five-O

I've loved Alex O'Loughlin for years (favorite being Moonlight) but I can't tolerate Five-o and I resent it's success because as long as it's popular, Alex is tied up and isn't doing other projects!
Five-O is a superficial show with shallow writing and shallow characters. The plots are old tired "cop show" cliches and only the fact that the locale is Hawaii makes them slightly more palatable.

In contrast, I just watched the dvd of the season 4 Criminal Minds episode "Big Wheel" where Alex plays a serial killer and although I've seen this episode several times before, I'm still blown away my Alex's performance. It's sad and touching and totally steals the show.

I know he's probably making a zillion dollars on Five -O but what a WASTE! Alex, if you ever read this please QUIT and do something more deserving of your talent!


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Well Alex is already talking about a future beyond 5-0 and how he's looking forward to doing other stuff, so I don't expect him to sign up for more once his contract is up. I think people might be lucky if they get 7 seasons. I don't really see it go beyond season 5 at the most, or to be honest i hope it won't go beyond season 5. Ratings are suffering and with the way they're stunt casting and using gimmicks to keep people watching it does not tell a tale of a healthy show. I myself am more a Scott Caan fan but I share your opinion, I too hope the show will be over soon so they can both get jobs that make better use of their talents.


Actually, ratings are very good since the move to Friday. I am sorry to disappoint you, but the show is actually doing well this season, and 7 seasons is probably a given.


Only reason they are doing well is because of all the stunt casting and the gimmicks..if you were truly a good show you wouldn't need it. But ah well, we'll see what happens won't we, if it gets 7 seasons I wouldn't count on more, certain cast members might not be jumping to sign up for a couple more years after their contracts are up, including Alex is my guess from what I saw him say. And really no matter what a certain show runner thinks..I very much doubt this show is going to survive if any of the original Core 4 leaves.


Is the episode from criminal minds one I can watch as a stand alone episode? Id love to see him as a bad guy!


The Big Wheel is a pretty stand alone episode. If there are continuing story arcs in that episode they are very minor. This is the only episode of Criminal Minds I have watched and I don't recall anything that was confusing or that you needed to follow the series to understand.

Alex was fantastic in this episode. He actually makes you feel somewhat sorry for or bad for the bad guy.


Agreed, I love Criminal Minds, have season 1-7 on dvd and still have to buy the rest but watch it online. Alex's episode is fantastic and he's doing a fantastic job. And yeah he really did a great job in making you feel for him..he was not your typical evil serial killer. I cried at the end I'm not too big to admit.

Wished he was free to do other things, would love to see him do a guest spot on another fave of mine Person of Interest. Think he would make a great POI.
