Top 3 favorite Iron Maiden songs?
My Top 3 favorite Maiden songs are
1. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
2. Revelations
3. Hallowed Be Thy Name
My Top 3 favorite Maiden songs are
1. Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
2. Revelations
3. Hallowed Be Thy Name
Hard to choose only 3 considering they made nearly 200 songs.
shareTop 3 singles:
1. Run to the Hills
2. The Number of the Beast
3. The Evil That Men Do
Top 3 album tracks:
1. Alexander the Great
2. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
3. Prowler
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Rime Of The Ancient Mariner
Where Eagles Dare
1. Wasted Years
2. Losfer Words (Big 'Orra)
3. Stranger in a Strange Land
Flight of Icarus
Wasted Years
2 Minutes to Midnight
The Clairvoyant
Alexander The Great
Woah, that's hard to say, they had a lot of great metal songs back in the day.... but I'll go with -
1. Where Eagles Dare
2. Number Of The Beast
3. Somewhere In Time
Shame that a few people criticized Somewhere In Time, that is a great piece of music and the album was really good too.