Hate for lucy

I was talking with some friends today about the show, and they all expressed hatred for lucy, either it was because of her character or it was either " she is a media whore" " why does she always have to be the front and center during cast interviews" one guy said during the teen choice awards lucy pushed troian out the way, i looked at the footage on youtube, it was more of a nudge, but it was enough to convince me. PLL has got to be the worst thing that's happened to her, the disdain for ezra and aria continues to rise, the dislike for lucy is on the rise, there was a woman who said " well she won a teen choice award" but the argument to that was that's the silly teens who only voted for her because of "ezria" and to be honest a teen choice award is pretty useless, like a MTV award or BET award

press 'B' for dangalang slap!


I don't know why lucy would be hated, i like her, good actress in my opinion but yes ofcourse i don't know her personally so she could be a bitch. But as for being more popular on twitter then the other pll i think ashley might be? she is on facebook anyway. I like all the girls on the show though.


dunno but h8ers gon h8


And ain'ters gonna ain't!
