MovieChat Forums > Diora Baird Discussion > Why so many failures?

Why so many failures?

She is beautiful, kind of a good actress and extremely hot. With that potential she could definately be acting in movies that have an imdb rating over 5. But this seems to happen rarely. This of course has made her career a series of failed movies and hot photo shoots.

So why do you think that is? My explanation is that she must have the worst taste in movies and that she is unable to distinguish between a good script/director and a bad one.


yeah right. That's why Scarlett Johansson has SUCH A BAD time getting big roles...
Or Anne hathaway, She is probably dying because she gets no work...
Right, just like Jessica Biel, She is so hot Hollywood is TOTALLY against her.

yeah, you are so right! OMG you are so extremely right. Just like Jennifer Lawrence she cannot get any work in Hollywood! OMG
Just like Penélope Cruz, Salma Hayek, Mila Kunis, Blake Lively, Jordana Brewster,

All those women are HATED by Hollywood!!!

Maybe is because Diora is hot, but not a very good actress? just like Megan Fox?

By the way, Nikki Cox is Hideous. She looks like a mix between Gollum and a muppet.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
