MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > If he were still liberal....

If he were still liberal....

Does anyone honestly think he'd be in the middle of being cancelled?


Liberals, unlike conservatives, hold their own accountable.

The question is, would conservatives defend him if he didn't become another grifter with right wing conspiracies?


"right wing conspiracies"

russel brand is a right winger

holy shit you are stupid.... 🤣


No. If he would be just ordinary celebrity without that right wing conspiracies thing then no one on the right would care about him. They would laugh or ignore.


That's the exact reason for his "heel" turn. So he could use that bullshit dumbass accusation as a shield in the court of public opinion. He's playing the long game.

Ask Al Franken if being a liberal protects one from being "cancelled" - even if you're innocent of any wrongdoing.

Stop being naive. Do better.


so he made a YouTube channel and started going against the main stream media.... all because he knew in about 4 years into the future there would come accusations against him of sexual assault?

holy shit, there should be a law that say people with IQ under 60 is not allowed on the internet.
then we wouldn't have to be bothered by you.


Well, it's not implausible.

I don't think there's any suggestion that Brand would have known the timing of the revelations.

But Brand will of course have been aware of his own historic behaviour. Brand will have been aware that other people were aware of his historic behaviour. Brand will have been aware of the Savile revelations and, perhaps more importantly, the Me Too movement. He may well have felt that it was only a matter of time before he was in the firing line and -- being quite a Machiavellian personality -- cut his cloth accordingly.

Furthermore, the newspapers have been investigating him for four years. They've been contacting his family, his friends, his associates and other connections. He will have been aware of that for some considerable time.

I'm not saying that is what happened. It's speculative. But dismissing it as a low IQ take on proceedings is a little silly.


He must've known his time was up after the #metoo stuff of 2017/18, apparently the recent Times investigation began in 2019..

Early in 2019, The Sunday Times began inquires after being made aware of allegations of sexual misconduct against Russell Brand.[241] In 2022, Channel 4's Dispatches began working with The Sunday Times and The Times to investigate the allegations. On 16 September 2023, allegations were published from five women, four anonymously, accusing Brand of rape, sexual assaults, and emotional abuse between 2006 and 2013, following the joint investigation.


Yup. I don't think it's at all unlikely he knew it was likely to come. I can easily imagine that his mind would be turning to those thoughts around the time of Me Too. And he will have become aware of the investigation because The Sunday Times contacted hundreds of people, many of whom will have still been in and around his circle.

Whether he built a populist YouTube channel and anti-establishment, anti-mainstream media persona on the back of that fear and knowledge will probably forever remain unknown. But it's far from a foolish theory.


he was probably getting abit concerned after the Jimmy Savile/Yewtree stuff of 2012 onwards but probably too busy at the time in america doing the movies etc ..but after metoo he mustve been as you say very concerned


He clearly understood that it was best to pick a side which automatically defines and rejects all criticism or scrutiny as political suppression.

And he'd been feeling the heat about his behaviour for years before his reinvention as an anti-establishment figure. It's not like he was clean as a whistle until he made enemies of the "liberal elite".


There's been rumours of his behaviour and allegations surrounding him for years before he adopted his non-mainstream crusader for the truth disguise.


then why come forward only now....... when his following is at an all time high?


it's too obvious.
only a moron can't see this a hitjob


How do you know people have only come forward now? It's been an open secret for more than ten years. And lately there has been more support given to people who have experienced abuse and harassments in the entertainment industry.

"It's too obvious". You don't even know what it is you're actually talking about. You're just working off assumptions that already fit your preferred flavour of conspiracy.


You don't even know what it is you're actually talking about. You're just working off assumptions that already fit your preferred flavour of conspiracy.

Have you ever heard of common sense, deductive reasoning and critical thinking...give those a try.

Yes, it is obvious that he is been attacked by the left because he spoke up and exposed the establishment/big pharma.


He has not exposed anyone or any thing. He's riding a clickbait bandwagon of already established alt right talking points and dog whistles.


It makes no difference how many labels you tag it with, only an imbecile is incapable of using common sense to see the obvious that RB is been persecuted for speaking up against the establishment.


so tell us oh great moron....... why did russel brand go from from a proven left leaning socialist to the alt right, as you call it..... why they he do that?


From what I remember, within months, Democrat Congresspeople said they made a mistake and wanted/sought his return to office.

All I'm saying is using former congressman Al Franken is not a good example for the point you're trying to make.


The cognitive dissonance you must have experienced to type that statement had to be painful.


So you're saying he was "innocent" then, of misconduct?



There have been rumours and complaints about him for years.


He’d have his own show at ABCNNBCBS and a house next to Oprah Winfield.



He was never liberal


Yes. Johnny Depp is very liberal and only had one accuser. Didn't save him.

