Why is it so hard to be objective?
98% of you boobs are cliche party drones. You parrot whatever your party says. Every fucking time, the opinions fall along party lines. You don't care about the truth.
1. Rittenhouse is a loser who sees himself as a hero. He chose to go to a riot, he sought it out, and went with a gun; which he is now allowed to legally own. He is a wannabe cop who played vigilante. The only reason his life was in danger is because he sought it out.
2. At least victims 2 and 3 attacked him. It's plain as day, right there video. No evidence he went after them first. It's technically self defense, but the loser basement dweller wannabe cop put himself there. They attacked him, but were only able to do so because he went there looking for a fight.
Probably not gonna get him on murder for them.
3. Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at him. Shooting someone for throwing a bag at you is not an appropriate response.
The kid definitely deserves prison time. Not gonna get decades, but 5-7 years and several more probation would be appropriate.