MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Why is it so hard to be objective?

Why is it so hard to be objective?

98% of you boobs are cliche party drones. You parrot whatever your party says. Every fucking time, the opinions fall along party lines. You don't care about the truth.

1. Rittenhouse is a loser who sees himself as a hero. He chose to go to a riot, he sought it out, and went with a gun; which he is now allowed to legally own. He is a wannabe cop who played vigilante. The only reason his life was in danger is because he sought it out.

2. At least victims 2 and 3 attacked him. It's plain as day, right there video. No evidence he went after them first. It's technically self defense, but the loser basement dweller wannabe cop put himself there. They attacked him, but were only able to do so because he went there looking for a fight.

Probably not gonna get him on murder for them.

3. Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at him. Shooting someone for throwing a bag at you is not an appropriate response.

The kid definitely deserves prison time. Not gonna get decades, but 5-7 years and several more probation would be appropriate.


Why is it so hard to be objective?

Because people in today’s world are generally illogical overly emotional idiots who worship politicians.


Politics is the new religion. People fiercely and blindly loyal to their side like a fucking cult member. People condemn/condone behavior according to who does it. It's pathetic.


"Why is it so hard to be objective?"

Comical libtard irony right there.


I voted for all Republicans except for Biden, but sure. "A LiBtArd!" *derp derp*


I don’t believe you for one second. I am an independent and an unbiased, non-partisan observer so I am a very reliable source of objective truth.


Rittenhouse is a loser who sees himself as a hero.

A loser? At 17 he'd been a certified lifeguard and swim instructor, was in the "police explorer" program, was a firefighter EMT cadet, and volunteered to clean up graffiti at a school. While it's certainly possible that he enjoyed the image of himself as a gun-toting authority figure helping to keep peace, you don't know his motives. But what difference would it make? A large portion of those protesters are deluding themselves that they're MLK-esque revolutionaries in some "change" that's akin to the Selma March (rather than a pointless scream-and-yell session for what equated to a non-event). People have a right to be delusional. It's their actions that count.

He is a wannabe cop who played vigilante. The only reason his life was in danger is because he sought it out.

Well, we know he tried to put out fires and there's clips of him asking people if they need medical help. That could be thought of as vigilantism, I guess. However, it seems odd to think of this negatively considering the circumstances. And I agree that it's a dangerous area and that he was endangering himself by being there. But, again, you're making presumptions that he did this for self-serving/self-aggrandizing reasons. He may just have a desire to help people. Which, considering his interests in lifeguarding, medical training, firefighting, and law enforcement, that'd be consistent.

Shooting someone for throwing a bag at you is not an appropriate response.

There's no evidence the bag had anything to do with his decision. The shirtless, shouting, masked man was charging at him before the bag was thrown. And he didn't slow down the first time Kyle pointed a gun his way (without firing). The next time Kyle turned, the man was right in front of him, still running. That was the appropriate time to shoot.

Check your own bias before calling out that of others.


98% of you boobs are cliche party drones

Then you go off on a partisan rant.

Sweeter than Apple Pie.



I can't figure out if you thinking "he's guilty of some things, but not others" is partisan is more sad or funny.


You forgot about how this Skinhead dude came charging at him like Rhino trying to gore Spider-Man after Spider-man stopped him from blowing up a gas station in the middle of a large crowd. You also forgot how Rhino's buddy also starting firing off shots while Rhino was trying to gore Spider-Man to death.

You should never have another opinion ever ;)


So did you find out why is it (for you) so hard to be objective?

"3. Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag at him. Shooting someone for throwing a bag at you is not an appropriate response." - you see here your lack of objectivity?? Have you even watched the videos???

Yes, R threw a bag at him. And K continued to run AND DIDN'T SHOT after R threw the bag.

K shot R when R cornered him in the parking lot and tried to take the weapon. NOT when R threw the bag.

And as an idea: when you start with "lose","asshole" etc don't pretend to be objective, just DON'T. Hate is NOT objectivity.


Ooohhh, he cornered him! 😄😂🤣


Well, again, your "objectivity" is showing.

Can you at least understand (or accept. in your "objectivity") that R was NOT shot after(for) he threw the bag but a tad later???

Or would you rather lie and keep you out of that objectivity that you ask for???


It's really a matter of how scared Rittenhouse was. If he can prove he was terrified, self-defense becomes relatively easy.

And Rittenhouse is such a wuss he probably carries a rifle to protect him from his own shadow.


How scared he was is irrelevant. What matters is whether his life was in danger or not. It clearly was with guys 2 and 3 he shot. Both armed, 1 with s gun. I am not surprised he didn't get nailed on those charges. Should gotten murder for the other idiot and definitely the gun charges.

This guy said he was scared and got murder (and rightfully so)"


It is worth noting that Rosenbaum had clearly and explicitly stated his intent to kill any of the group he caught alone.

Rittenhouse was running away from Rosenbaum, only stopping and turning when one of the idiot rioters fired a handgun.

Does anyone doubt that if Rosenbaum got his hands on Rittenhouse, that he would have easily overpowered the, at the time CHILD?


Poor Kyle was only 17, a child, he was most likely terrified.


Ooooh and you're the bastion of bravery? What a hypocritical loser you are.


Good question. Why aren't you being objective?
