I'd rather be Derek Chauvin with 20+ years in jail
Than Floyd rotting in hell for eternity.
sharePretty arrogant and rude of you to assume he is in hell. You are not God. Yes, Floyd had a criminal past, but he had made efforts to turn his life around and help others. He became involved with a Christian church and ministry, where he mentored young men and also delivered meals to senior citizens and volunteered with other projects.
shareThe things he did the day of his death don't match the narrative you believe.
shareThe things he did the day of his death don't match the narrative you believe.
you mean your narrative choosing white supremacy is wrong dude at least i was able to see the error my ways and change as a former Republican and Trump voter
Floyd distributed fake 20's which were also found in the car that day. A store clerk went out to ask for the cigarettes he sold him back "because they found the 20 bill to be fake" or else it would come out of his paycheck and Floyd told him to fck off. Floyd was on a ton of drugs and planning to drive away on public streets while buying more drugs from his dealer. He resisted arrest and swallowed way too many drugs in an attempt to hide them from the cops. He had been arrested I believe a year earlier and did the same thing "swallowing his stash" which sent him to the hospital.
This was not a guy getting his life together, he was spiraling out of control and pulling other people living their lives down with him.
He WAS the dealer. He's seen tossing his baggy when being taken to the sidewalk from his ride. He swallowed all his pills that he sells (which caused his hilarious death). Something he was already caught on bodycam doing, a year earlier. There's enough misinformation spread about that scumbag, don't spread more.
shareDoes it matter which one of them was selling and which one was buying? I'm sure it goes back and forth with those types all the time, one day he's a seller and the next day he's all fcked up and buying whatever he can.
shareIt does. Him being the dealer, and having that track record a year earlier, explained why he OD'd perfectly. He was a pussy MF'er who always tried to swallow his stash like the retard he is, to avoid a harsher sentence and play his stupid monkey games to get off easy, only the idiot got off hard and made hundreds of people in dozens of cities pay for it, some with their lives.
shareEither way he swallowed his stash like a fcking idiot and it killed him. I guess if he was selling it, that makes him even more of a scumbag but honestly like I said before I'm sure they are all selling it.
shareyes, just like they are all rappers with racist bigoted tracks, they are all drug pushers, hustlers, and criminals but also turning their lives around to become astronauts and change the world.
shareIndeed and if Floyd had not died the riots would have been over some other low life who acted insane around cops with guns.
shareI don't think y'all are being fair. Floyd was turning his life around. Instead of home invasions and threatening pregnant women with a shotgun, he had begun starring in amateur porn films. He was also down to just two teenths of meth per day, and was counterfeiting money instead of stealing it.
shareYou're right. I forgot that when he was drugged out of his mind and driving through streets where children were playing, he was also contemplating higher powers and trying not to pass out. His old deviant self would have just passed out, not the new responsible Floyd, now he kept one eye half opened.
share"He became involved with a Christian church and ministry, where he mentored young men and also delivered meals to senior citizens and volunteered with other projects."
Paedophiles have done the same thing too, doesn´t mean they aren´t in hell.
He put a gun to a pregnant woman's head during a violent robbery. A true American "hero." It shows what kind of people, and I use that term very loosely, these anti-police, pro-criminal people are who love him so much.
sharehave you seen his porn movie?
shareMaybe it takes God to send someone to hell, but anyone can speculate about who is there. Floyd was a worthless, dangerous POS, and the world is a cleaner, safer, happier place without him. There is no doubt that he currently resides in Hell.
shareYou realize lots and lots of murderers are in prison facing 20+ or life while 100% of their victims are dead right?
sharewho made you judge proves to me you lack a moral center you like a chauvin are a villain like Donald Trump,Hitler , David Duke and Pol Pot anyone who condemned a minority a right to live freely your a not a god never will be i can see your corrupted by your power a conservative
shareAll your butt hurting won't bring the murdering thug addict back.
shareAll your butt hurting won't bring the murdering thug addict back.
who said i was trying to bring him back an ouija board is bad news I'm not dumb your the Racist Thug & White Supremacist here unlike The Martyr George Floyd
Floyd is a Martyr the same way Trayvon Martin was a nuclear physicist.
shareWait!! Did I see commas?!
shareI wouldn't be so sure about that. There would be a lot of black people gunning for the guy.
I sure don't envy Chauvin when he gets out. He'll have a hard time after jail.
DeSantis will pardon him in about 5 years. His pension then will be high enough to give him a nice house in a good area of Florida.
shareThat remains to be seen. Who knows what will happen in 5, 10, 20 years. I suspect that Chauvin will fade in to obscurity as the news finds something else to print about.
As for Chauvin's financial affairs, where are you getting your info? Is he actually getting a pension? I suspect you are guessing. He was, after all, fired. Chauvin's wife divorced him after the trial. Chauvin also is facing tax evasion charges. His legal fees for the murder trial, the divorce and now tax evasion charges would likely be costly. (Ref: Wikipedia).
Stacey Abrams will lose again for governor.Black power will be gone, and it is a Latino thing now. President DeSantis will pardon Chauvin from the fancy federal prison where all he does is watch tv and play gulf at.Pensions don't go away if you get fired. It is like social security in the longer you wait to collect the higher the amount you get will be.
shareYou are too funny, and a optimistic, if not delusional.
Pensions can and do get cancelled, depending on the pension and/or jurisdiction. And you have no idea about Chauvin's finances, as I thought.
Unless DeSantis becomes the governor of Minnesota, he will not be able to pardon Chauvin for the crime he was convicted of in Minnesota. Even then it is not only up to the governor
How do you come up with this stuff?
You are believing the homo communist press in that DeSantis will not be president.
shareExactly which press are you talking about? Why do you think DeSantis will be president?
If DeSantis is president, why do you think he could pardon Chauvin? Do you have any idea who the president is allowed to pardon? Probably not.
How do you come up with this stuff?
Too bad hell is not a real place
shareI see you're another one of those angry fake Christians that knows nothing about repentance. What looks bad on other Christians looks good on you. But go for it; you will fit in just fine with those other pseudo-Christians who got no time for Christ's teachings.
I know why you would rather be Chauvin; he kills the people he doesn't like.
Except Chauvin didn’t kill Floyd. Floyd overdosed on fentanyl.
shareSo why did the doctors testifying for the defense at the trial not say that? Dr Fowler did not claim Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose.
Fowler concluded that Floyd suffered a sudden cardiac event as a primary cause of death.
He explained the factors that led to his conclusion, including Floyd's enlarged heart, methamphetamine and fentanyl in his system, possible carbon monoxide exposure and narrowed blood vessels.
In Fowler's opinion, the manner of his death should be classified as "undetermined," arguing too many factors were at play to decide which is most accurate.
Because it went against their narrative, that’s why. Check out Candace Owens’ documentary Greatest Lie Ever Sold.
shareYou're claiming that Chauvin's defense did not claim Floyd died of an overdose because it went against their narrative? What narrative would that be?
What does Owens say? Does it make more sense than her claim that the Apollo program was a hoax?
I’m not going to tell you what she said. Watch the documentary for yourself.
shareBefore I potentially waste my time listening to Owens make a fool of herself, again, does she actually explaln what the Chauvin defense team narrative was?
Does Owens explain why her ideas in that video make more sense than her claim that the Apollo program was a hoax?
If you don't understand what she said and are unwilling to pass judgement on the stupid things she says, then why do you bring them up?
No, she didn’t bring up the Apollo program because it has nothing to do with George Floyd. Did you even do any digging as to why she even said what she said on the Apollo program? Maybe she had a point. Or maybe in your eyes, no one is allowed to question it or have doubts about it. Because follow the science and trust the experts.
Either way, you are presenting a red herring and I’m not going to participate in it with you, and every time you bring it up I’m just going to log it away as further evidence that you are a delusional libtard.
I asked if what Owens said made more sense than her Apollo hoax claims. It appears that you think she does not make any sense at all then. Why would you or I waste our time on the nonsense Owens spouts?
Yes, I did some digging. It turns out she just claims it does not make any sense. In other words, she is so ignorant of science that she prefers to believe that it could not be done. Owens is unable to follow the science, if she had, then she would understand how we got the the moon.
Owen is foolish and thinks her audience are idiots. That is why I brought it up. By siding with fools like Owens, you are just making yourself look bad.
So Owens is not able to explain what narrative she is talking about?
Well guess what, Ranb? I do side with her. Make of that what you will. And I'm not answering any more of your questions. I'm more concerned with people who need help sifting through this toxic narrative, and Greatest Lie Ever Sold is a great place for them to start. Continue to lay in ignorance like a pig lays in its own feces.
shareYou are coward who is happier not really knowing anything of substance.
You search for well known online personalities who have a narrative that agrees with your own and will do nothing at all, to verify anything they say, lest it interfere with your own agenda.
You promote Owens video, but are unable to explain in your own words what any of it means. This is how I know that you let others tell you what to think, so that you don't have to take any responsibility at all, for anything you say.
You are amounting to nothing in this world and that makes you happy as long as you can insult others from the relative anonymity of the internet.
This would all be accurate if you were saying this to a mirror.
I told you where you can look into what was really going on with the George Flloyd case. You chose not to watch it. That's not my fault nor my responsibility.
And your quote actually proves my point. An overdose in fentanyl would cause exactly that.
shareSo why would Chauvin's defense team not go with fentanyl causing Floyd's death?
shareIt’s all right there in Greatest Lie Ever Sold.
shareJust tell me you don't know if you are unable to explain it in your own words.
shareI don’t care what you think I don’t know. If you want to know the answer so badly, just watch her documentary. I’m not going to sit here and debate it with you.
shareYou know nothing, so you are irrelevant.
shareYour loss.
shareHahahahaha, no. You are nothing here, nothing at all. Your opinions and stands are worthless. No one loses if you disappear from this forum. You will not be missed unless it is by those who seek stupid posts like yours for entertainment.
You never fail to gaslight or call the kettle black even when called out on it. Seriously, I honestly can't help but think you're speaking to a mirror.
And guess what? I'm not going anywhere.
shareWell, really this all depends on how well the Prisoners have adjusted to this former Police Officer and what he did, whether Chauvin is in protective custody or in a different Unit to keep him from being rubbed out?? Don't really hear much about him unlike say Danny Masterson who's on suicide watch now or medical evaluation??